List of IBM PS/1 models

For the Europe, the Middle East and Africa market (EMEA).

Model                      RAM (max.)   HD      CPU              Video
IBM PS/1 mod. 2011 n01     512KB (1MB)  none    286 at 10MHz     VGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2011 n34     1MB (2MB)    30MB    286 at 10MHz     VGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2011 n41     1MB (2MB)    40MB    286 at 10MHz     VGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2011 n42     2MB (6MB)    40MB    386sx at 16MHz   VGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2121 282     2MB (6MB)    80MB    386sx at 16MHz   VGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2121 642     2MB (6MB)    40MB    386sx at 20MHz   VGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2121 682     2MB (6MB)    80MB    386sx at 20MHz   VGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2123 E41 Pro 2MB (15MB)   40MB    386sx at 20MHz   VGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2123 E81 Pro 2MB (15MB)   80MB    386sx at 20MHz   VGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2123 E31 Pro 2MB (15MB)   130MB   386sx at 20MHz   VGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2133 111     2MB (15MB)   85MB    386sx at 25MHz   VGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2133 711     2MB (15MB)   85MB    386sx at 25MHz   VGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2133 811     4MB (15MB)   85MB    386sx at 25MHz   VGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2133 911     2MB (15MB)   85MB    386sx at 25MHz   VGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2133 114     4MB (15MB)   170MB   386sx at 25MHz   sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2133 144     4MB (32MB)   170MB   486sx at 20MHz   sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2133 151     4MB (32MB)   85MB    486sx at 25MHz   sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2133 154     4MB (32MB)   170MB   486sx at 25MHz   sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2133 174     4MB (32MB)   170MB   486sx at 33MHz   sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2133 451     2MB (32MB)   85MB    486sx at 25MHz   sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2133 461     4MB (32MB)   85MB    486sx at 33MHz   sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2133 551     4MB (32MB)   130MB   486sx at 25MHz   sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2133 571     4MB (64MB)   130MB   486dx at 33MHz   sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2155 471     4MB (64MB)   85MB    486dx at 33MHz   sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2155 474     4MB (64MB)   130MB   486dx at 33MHz   sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2155 483     4MB (64MB)   130MB   486dx2 at 50MHz  sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2155 582     4MB (64MB)   170MB   486dx2 at 50MHz  sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2155 593     4MB (64MB)   253MB   486dx2 at 66MHz  sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2168 452     2MB (32MB)   85MB    486sx at 25MH    sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2168 463     4MB (64MB)   130MB   486sx at 33MHz   sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2168 473     4MB (64MB)   130MB   486dx at 33MHz   sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2168 493     4MB (64MB)   130MB   486dx2 at 66MHz  sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2168 584     4MB (64MB)   253MB   486dx2 at 50MHz  sVGA
IBM PS/1 mod. 2168 594     4MB (64MB)   253MB   486dx2 at 66MHz  sVGA

Documents (2011/2133/2155/2168)

IBM PS1 2011 - Users Reference (1st Ed 90)

IBM PS1 2011 - Technical Reference (1st Ed 90)

IBM PS1 2011 - Using the IBM PS1 with Windows - Q88661

IBM PS1 2011 - Brochure

IBM PS1 2133-2155-2168 - Hardware Maintenance Service.pdf

Drivers (2011/2121)

PS/1 Audio Card driver for Windows 3.1

PS/1 2121 CD-ROM drivers

UNIXBOOT.EXE – Fix for UNIX not recognizing HDD controller

Utility programs (2011/2121)

CUSTOMIZ.EXE Is to customize the way the machine operates (eg. if you want to boot directly to DOS or from a floppy)

CONFIGUR.EXE Is to update the machine configuration after a hardware modification.

BPP.COM Enables/Disables parallel port bidirectional mode on IBM PS/1 2011/2121 computers.

4quad6-2.exe Updates the 4-Quadrant shell for use with MS-DOS 6.2, 6.21 or 6.22.

ROMDUMP.EXE Program to dump the system ROM.

CMOSDUMP.EXE Program to dump the CMOS memory to a file named CMOS.BIN

Links IBM PS/1 - PS/2 Diagnostics/Reference Disks etc.