S) 6.0 Diagnostics
Q) 6.1 What do the POST beeps mean?
Beep(s) Errant device
No beep Power supply, system board
1 short beep System OK
2 short beeps POST Error displayed on monitor
Repeating short beeps Power supply, system board
3 long beeps 3270 keyboard card
1 long, 1 short beeps System board
1 long, 2 short beeps Display adapter (MDA, CGA)
1 long, 3 short beeps EGA
Continuous beep Power supply, system board
Q) 6.2 What do the POST codes mean?
Note if errors are encountered with the reference disk in the drive they will
be identified.
See Appendix D for full listing.
Q) 6.3 Why when my system boots fine sometimes the reference disk diagnostics
report errors?
This is usually a case of non-IBM components added to the system. Some
examples are video adapters, hard drive controllers, and the like. In most
cases, POST is always right and the reference disk is tricked into thinking
there is a problem so don't have a heart attack when it gives you the:
'Replace system board' message it could just be a normal option generated
error. Also lock-ups are common with some video cards added to the system.
Q) 6.4 How can I *REALLY* find out if these errors are just bogus?
The *EASY* method if your system hangs on the full tests is to enter <CTRL>-A
from the reference disk main menu and select the test it hung up on. If
everything checks out then no problem.
If you want it to run the full test without hanging the only method is to
remove each card and reboot with the reference disk allow it to auto-configure
and then reboot and run the reference disk tests. If the system hangs now
then there is a problem with the system not related to added options, contact
IBM or a repair tech promptly and try not to use the machine until it is
looked at.
Q) 6.5 OK I got a problem, who can I get to fix it?
Solutronix, 7255 Flying Cloud Dr., Eden Prarie, MN 55344; 800-875-2580. In
one example, they replaced the video driver chip and several "likely to fail"
chips. The repair, including shipping, cost $295. All repairs are warranted
for six months, even if it is not related to the original fault.
Micro Exchange, 682 Passaic Avenue, Nutley, NJ 07110, (201)284-1200, FAX
(201)284-1550. They have always been very professional in all of our
transactions. They sell used/demo and some new parts as well as doing
repairs. In February their rates for system board repairs were:
8570/20MHz $145 8570/25MHz $155 8573 $225
8580/16MHz $160 8580/20MHz $165 8580/25MHz $170
8590 $275 8595 $325
Their warranty and repair offering is very similar to Solutronix.
In early 1993 IBM introduced the Personal Systems Card Repair service.
The number is 800-759-6995, and their address is:
Attn: PSCR
11400 Burnet Road
Austin, TX 78758-3493
They offer 24-hour and 5-day turn-around service (the difference in price is
about $50), and the repairs carry the typical IBM 1-year warranty.
Q) 6.6 What are the wrap plugs the reference disk sometimes refers too?
In order to perform a total test of the ports (when running IBM diagnostics)
you need to provide the incoming signals to the port via a wrap plug. The
constructions of each (serial and parallel) are listed below:
To construct this wrap plug use a DB25 male connector. Utilizing a minimum
of 30AWG wire make connections as listed below:
pin 1 to 13
pin 2 to 15
pin 10 to 16
pin 11 to 17
pin 12 to 14
Then before running the diagnostics attach the DB25 to the parallel port.
To construct this wrap plug use a standard RS232 DB25 female connector and
wire these pins together. Also using a minimum of 30AWG wire.
Updated via Brian Lee (blee@fish.share.net) who read the IBM FAX page.
pin 2 to 3
pin 4 to 5
pin 5 to 8
pin 6 to 20
pin 20 to 22
Then attach this the the serial port before running the diagnostics.
Please note I have not tested this on an actual PS/2, but this does work on
standard ports and PS/2s don't have any propriety-type pins on the serial or
parallel ports. Can someone let me know if these are the right 'loops'?
email:Chris Feeny alkemyst@shadow.net
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