PS2 FAQ - Appendix E

Archive-name: PS2-FAQ - Appendix E
Last-modified: 1996/02/20
Return to PS2 FAQ main menu
Version: 4.0
Author: Chris Feeny <Alkemyst>

HTML Formatting Maintained and Owned By COMPUTERCRAFT - COPYRIGHT 1996

Appendix E Pinouts

6pin DIN Male DB15-S Male
--+-- ----------------------
/ 6+5 \ \ 1 2 3 4 5 /
| 4 3 | \ 6 7 8 9 10 /
\ 1 2 / \ 11 12 13 14 15 /
----- ----------------

DB9 (DE-9) Male DB15 (DA-15) Male
------------- --------------------------
\ 1 2 3 4 5 / \ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 /
\ 6 7 8 9 / \ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 /
--------- ----------------------

DB25 Male IDC-50 Male
------------------------------ -------------------
\ 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 ... 13 / | 1 3 5 7 ... 49 |
\ 14 15 16 17 18 .......25 / | 2 4 6 8 ... 50 |
-------------------------- -------------------

(Power Connector) Male
/ \
| 4 3 2 1 |

*Motherboard Power Connectors *NEED ASCII OF BOARD POWER CONNECTOR

30 pin SIMM 72 pin SIMM
------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
| | | |
) | ) _ |
--|||||||||||||||||||||||||--- --|||||||||||||||/ \|||||||||||||||---
1 30 1 36 37 72

pin assignment pin assignment
1 N/C 1 N/C
2 N/C 2 GND
3 N/C 3 N/C
4 Current Src 4 Current Sync
5 Current Sync 5 Current Src

Power Connector Male
pin assignment
1 +12V
2 +12V return
3 +5V return
4 +5V

PS/2 Keyboard Connector 5pin-DIN
pin assignment
1 +KBD data
2 Reserved
3 Ground
4 +5 Vdc
5 +KBD clk
6 Reserved
Shield Frame ground

PS/2 Mouse/6pin DIN
[Thanks to Ian Wilson <>]
pin assignment
1 Data
2 Not Connected
3 Signal Ground
4 +5 VDC
5 CLock
6 Not Connected
Shield Frame ground

Floppy Disk Controller

Game Port DB15-Female
pin assignment pin assignment
1 +5V DC 2 Button 4 (A_PB1)
3 Position 0(A_X) 4 GND
5 GND 6 Position 1 (A_Y)
7 Button 5(A_PB2) 8 +5V DC
9 +5V DC 10 Button 6 (B_PB1)
11 Position 2(B_X) 12 GND
13 Position 3(B_Y) 14 Button 7 (B_PB2)
15 +5V DC

Serial Port DB9-Male DB25-Male
9-pin 25-pin assignment
1 8 DCD (Data Carrier Detect)
2 3 RX (Receive Data)
3 2 TX (Transmit Data)
4 20 DTR (Data Terminal Ready)
5 7 GND (Signal Ground)
6 6 DSR (Data Set Ready)
7 4 RTS (Request To Send)
8 5 CTS (Clear To Send)
9 22 RI (Ring Indicator)

Parallel Port DB25-Female
pin assignment pin assignment
1 -Strobe 2 Data 0
3 Data 1 4 Data 2
5 Data 3 6 Data 4
7 Data 5 8 Data 6
9 Data 7 10 -Ack
11 Busy 12 Paper Empty
13 Select 14 -Auto Feed
15 -Error 16 -Init
17 -Slct in 18 GND
19 GND 20 GND
21 GND 22 GND
23 GND 24 GND
25 GND

Parallel Port Centronics-36
1 -Strobe 2 Data 0
3 Data 1 4 Data 2
5 Data 3 6 Data 4
7 Data 5 8 Data 6
9 Data 7 10 -Ack
11 Busy 12 Paper Empty
13 Select 14 -Auto Feed
15 {OSCXT} 16 Signal GND
17 Frame GND 18 +5v
19 GND 20 GND
21 GND 22 GND
23 GND 24 GND
25 GND 26 GND
27 GND 28 GND
29 GND 30 GND
31 -Prime 32 -Error
33 Signal GND 34 N/C
35 N/C 36 N/C

IDE Hard Disk Interface
pin assignment pin assignment

ESDI Hard Disk Interface
pin assignment pin assignment

RLL/MFM Hard Disk Interface
pin assignment pin assignment

VGA DB15-S Female DB9 Female
15-pin 9-pin assignment
1 1 Red
2 2 Green
3 3 Blue
4 - Monitor ID bit 2
5 - N/C
6 6 GND (red return)
7 7 GND (green return)
8 8 GND (blue return)
9 - N/C
10 - GND
11 - Monitor ID bit 0
12 - Minitor ID bit 1
13 4 Horizontal Sync
14 5 Vertical Sync
15 - N/C

Monitor ID bit 0: reserved
Monitor ID bit 1: GND = mono, OPEN = color
Monochrome monitors use the green signal

CGA DB9 Female
pin assignment
3 Red
4 Green
5 Blue
6 Intensity
7 (reserved)
8 Horizontal Sync
9 Vertical Sync

EGA DB9 Female
pin assignment
2 Secondary Red
3 Primary Red
4 Primary Green
5 Primary Blue
6 Secondary Green / Intensity
7 Secondary Blue / Mono Video
8 Horizontal Drive
9 Vertical Drive

Null Modem:
Connector 1 to Connector 2

30 pin Fast Page Mode SIMM 256kx8 256kx9 1Mx8 1Mx9 4Mx8 4Mx9
pin assignment|pin assignment|pin assignment|pin assignment
1 Vcc |9 Gnd |17 A8 |25 DQ7
2 -CAS |10 DQ2 |18 A9 |26 QP
3 DQ0 |11 A4 |19 A10 |27 -RAS
4 A0 |12 A5 |20 DQ5 |28 -CASP
5 A1 |13 DQ3 |21 -WE |29 DP
6 DQ1 |14 A6 |22 Gnd |30 Vcc
7 A2 |15 A7 |23 DQ6
8 A3 |16 DQ4 |24 N/C

QP, CASP and DP are N/C on all x8 bit modules
a9 is a N/C on 256k modules
a10 is a N/C on 256k and 1M modules

72 pin Fast Page Mode SIMM 256k/512k/1M/2M/4M/8M x 32/36 bit
pin assignment|pin assignment|pin assignment|pin assignment
1 Gnd |19 A10 |37 MP1 |55 DQ11
2 DQ0 |20 DQ4 |38 MP3 |56 DQ27
3 DQ16 |21 DQ20 |39 Gnd |57 DQ12
4 DQ1 |22 DQ5 |40 -CAS0 |58 DQ28
5 DQ17 |23 DQ21 |41 -CAS2 |59 Vcc
6 DQ2 |24 DQ6 |42 -CAS3 |60 DQ29
7 DQ18 |25 DQ22 |43 -CAS1 |61 DQ13
8 DQ3 |26 DQ7 |44 -RAS0 |62 DQ30
9 DQ19 |27 DQ23 |45 -RAS1 |63 DQ14
10 Vcc |28 A7 |46 N/C |64 DQ31
11 N/C |29 N/C |47 -WE |65 DQ15
12 A0 |30 Vcc |48 N/C |66 N/C
13 A1 |31 A8 |49 DQ8 |67 PD1
14 A2 |32 A9 |50 DQ24 |68 PD2
15 A3 |33 -RAS3 |51 DQ9 |69 PD3
16 A4 |34 -RAS2 |52 DQ25 |70 PD4
17 A5 |35 MP2 |53 DQ10 |71 N/C
18 A6 |36 MP0 |54 DQ26 |72 Gnd

MP0,MP1,MP2,MP3 are N/C on all x32 bit modules
a9 is a N/C on 256k and 512k modules
a10 is a N/C on 256k, 512k, 1M and 4M modules
RAS1/RAS3 are N/C on 256k, 1M and 4M modules

*PS/2 72 pin SIMM

SCSI Connector Pinouts (Single Ended)


Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 Ground 31 Ground
2 Data 0 32 -Attention
3 Ground 33 Ground
4 Data1 34 Ground
5 Ground 35 Ground
6 Data 2 36 -Busy
7 Ground 37 Ground
8 Data 3 38 -Acknowledge
9 Ground 39 Ground
10 Data 4 40 -Reset
11 Ground 41 Ground
12 Data 5 42 -Message
13 Ground 43 Ground
14 Data 6 44 -Select
15 Ground 45 Ground
16 Data 7 46 -Control/Data
17 Ground 47 Ground
18 Data P 48 -Request
19 Ground 49 Ground
20 Ground 50 -Input/Output
21 Ground 51 Reserved (PS/2 only)
22 Ground 52 Reserved (PS/2 only)
23 Ground 53 Reserved (PS/2 only)
24 Ground 54 Reserved (PS/2 only)
25 Not Connected 55 Reserved (PS/2 only)
26 Terminator Pwr 56 Reserved (PS/2 only)
27 Ground 57 Reserved (PS/2 only)
28 Ground 58 Reserved (PS/2 only)
29 Ground 59 Reserved (PS/2 only)
30 Ground 60 Reserved (PS/2 only)

This layout is the same as the IDC-50 SCSI Socket/cable end with
signals 51-60 being added in the PS/2 variety.

PS/2 1.44MB Floppy pinout(could someone verify this)
Pin I/O Signal Pin I/O Signal
--- --- ------ --- --- ------
1 n/a -2nd drive 2 o -high density select
3 n/a reserved 4 n/a reserved
5 n/a ground 6 n/a reserved
7 n/a signal ground 8 i -index
9 n/a signal ground 10 o reserved
11 n/a signal ground 12 o -drive select
13 n/a ground 14 o reserved
15 n/a signal ground 16 o -motor enable
17 n/a signal ground 18 o -direction in
19 n/a signal ground 20 o -step
21 n/a signal ground 22 o -write data
23 n/a signal ground 24 o -write enable
25 n/a signal ground 26 i -track 0
27 n/a signal ground 28 i -write protect
29 n/a signal ground 30 i -read data
31 n/a signal ground 32 o -head 1 select
33 n/a signal ground 34 i -diskette change
35 n/a ground 36 n/a ground
37 n/a ground 38 o +5 VDC
39 n/a ground 40 o +12 VDC

PS/2 34 pin Floppy pinout (not sure please verify)
Pin I/O Signal Pin I/O Signal
--- --- ------ --- --- ------
1 n/a Signal Return 2 o Data rate select 1
3 n/a +5V DC 4 n/a Drive Type ID 1
5 n/a Signal Return 6 n/a +12V DC
7 n/a signal ground 8 i -index
9 n/a Drive Type ID 0 10 o reserved
11 n/a signal ground 12 o -drive select
13 n/a ground 14 o reserved
15 n/a signal ground 16 o -motor enable
17 n/a Media Type ID 1 18 o -direction in
19 n/a signal ground 20 o -step
21 n/a signal ground 22 o -write data
23 n/a signal ground 24 o -write enable
25 n/a signal ground 26 i -track 0
27 n/a Media Type ID 0 28 i -write protect
29 n/a signal ground 30 i -read data
31 n/a signal ground 32 o -head 1 select
33 n/a Data Rate Select 0 34 i -diskette change

PS/2 44-Pin Disk Controller [Thanks to Make Sakaki and]
The Model 30(286?) HardDrive is an old XT IDE type drive. The connector to
the system-board is a ribbon cable that is not compatible to the "standard"
clone connection.

Pin I/O Signal | Pin I/O Signal
21 I -IOW | 22 N/A Ground
23 I -DISK CS | 24 N/A Ground
25 I A0 | 26 N/A Ground
27 I A1 | 28 N/A Ground
29 I A2 | 30 N/A +5
31 N/A Reserved | 32 I/O +5
33 I/O -DACK3 | 34 N/A Ground
35 I/O DRQ3 | 36 N/A Ground
37 O IRQ5 | 38 N/A Ground
39 O IO CH RDY | 40 I +12
41 N/A Spare | 42 I +12
43 N/A Spare | 44 I +12

The HD requires +12V and +5V.
Get +12V from wire 40/42/44, and +5V from 30/32.
Get Ground from wire 34/36/38 and 24/26/28.

(Standard Clone) Power Connector:

40 34 24
42 36 26 30 <--- (Pins/Wires Connected)
44 38 28 32
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | | Top
| | | |
| | | |
/ | +12v = Red
| O O O O | Front +5V = Yellow
-------------- G = Black (Sometimes Orange)
12v G G 5v

email:Chris Feeny

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