TERABYTE PLUS PACKAGE Version 2.1 02/19/2013 Copyright (C) 2010-2013 By Rudolph R. Loew The TeraByte Plus Package is a set of Tools and Patches that provide support for Hard Drives with Larger Capacities and/or Larger Sector Sizes than was possible previously with DOS and Windows 98 and 98SE. Support is provided for Internal and External Hard Drives up to 32768TiB. Extended Support is provided for 64-Bit Addressed SCSI and USB Drives. Logical Sector Sizes are supported up to 32KB in DOS and 4KB in Windows. Larger Logical Sector Sizes can be emulated on Drives with smaller Sectors. Support is added for Clusters up to 256 Sectors in length, allowing for extra large FAT12 and FAT16 Partitions if needed. Support provided for Multiple Extended Partitions per Drive. Boot Support is added for all of these Configurations. Native Mode SATA Support is provided to allow SATA Drives to be connected directly to the Motherboard without using RAID Drivers. Generic SATA Drivers are provided to support many SATA Controller Cards including the JMicron PCI-E Cards. The RFDISK Partitioning Utility provides Advanced Partitioning capability and can Install a Multi-Boot Profile MBR that allows setting up Multiple Boot Configurations selectable during Boot. This Package is also available separately. The RFORMAT Formatting Utility provides Advanced Formatting capability allowing control over Partition Parameters such as Cluster Size, Reserved Space, etc. This Package is also available separately. The Universal Disk Boot Manager Package (BOOTMAN2) is an Overlay that provides BIOS support for Hard Drives that are not supported by the Motherboard's own BIOS. This Package is also available separately. REQUIREMENTS DOS, Windows 98 or 98SE compatible with English Version Patches. Floppy Drive (for Floppy based programs) CD/DVD Drive (for CD based programs) No AHCI Only SATA Controllers Present (see SATA AND ESATA DRIVES below) SETUP Unzip each of the five ZIP Files into separate Folders. For convenience, use the names of the Packages for the Folder Names. In the case of the PATCH.ZIP and TOOLS.ZIP Packages, preserve the Directory Structure when Unzipping (-d option of PKUNZIP). Read the User's Manuals of the RFDISK, RFORMAT and BOOTMAN2 Packages. Read the README.TXT Files of the PATCH and TOOLS Packages. If you are planning to set up a Computer where the Boot Partition(s) require the use of the Boot Manager (see the BOOTMAN2 User's Manual) or are Installing a new copy of Windows, prepare the Floppy or CD/DVD Disks needed. The Image Files you will need are in the TOOLS and BOOTMAN2 Packages. Refer to the Installation Procedure in the BOOTMAN2 User's Manual for detailed Installation Instructions. If you need BOOTMAN2 Support (See appropriate discussion(s) below), Install BOOTMAN2 as specified in it's User's Manual. Install the Patches required. Use INSTALL.BAT for full support. If only using DOS, you can use INSTALLD.BAT to Install. If only using Large USB Drives from Windows or BIOS Supported SATA Drives (See below) you can use INSTALLW.BAT to Install. The Patches and Install Scripts are in the PATCH Package. Add the BLKSIZE.SYS Device to your CONFIG.SYS Files if needed (See below). The BLKSIZE.SYS File is in the TOOLS Package. Copy the RFDISK.EXE and RFORMAT.EXE Files to an Appropriate Folder in your System. Reboot. You can now Partition and Format Drives as described in the appropriate User's Manuals and as described below. SATA AND ESATA DRIVES In DOS, SATA and ESATA Drives are treated similarly to PATA Drives using the Motherboard BIOS or Add-In Card BIOS. ESATA Drives are NOT treated as removable and must be present before Booting. Windows 9x does not properly handle SATA Controllers that are in Native Mode. The ESDI_506.PDR Patch combined with the SATA.INF File corrects this problem. You will need to set the Motherboard SATA Controller(s) to Native Mode in the BIOS to use this Driver. The Motherboard Vendor supplied SATA Drivers are generally configured as RAID Controllers and require that the BIOS be set to RAID mode. These Drivers generally do not support Hard Drives larger than 2TiB and will not support Sector Size Mapping. Add-In SATA Controllers either do not have a Windows 9x Driver or provide a RAID or AHCI Driver. These Drivers generally do not support Hard Drives larger than 2TiB either. Generic RAID and RAID/AHCI Driver INF Files are added during Patching to support these. This includes the PCI-E JMicron Card that has no Windows 9x Driver. AHCI only SATA Controllers are not supported and will crash Windows unless the ATA0106.INF File is removed. The HighPoint Rocket 620 HBA Card packaged with some Western Digital 3TB Hard Drives is an AHCI Only Controller and CANNOT be used with this Package. Some SATA Controllers are Classified as SCSI Controllers such as the SI 3512. To avoid possible conflicts, the SATA0180.INF File only supports the SI 3512 Controller. Contact the Author to add support for other Controllers. SATA CD and DVD Drives should work normally in Windows but may not be available in DOS. This may be an issue for Installing Windows on a Computer that does not have a Floppy Drive. The Installation Software in this Package uses the same Drivers as the Windows 98SE CD. You will need to obtain a suitable DOS Driver and add it to the CD Image before burning the Installation CD. Contact Author for more details. Like DOS, Windows 9x using ESDI_506.PDR does not recognize ESATA Drives as removable, so ESATA Drives must not be connected or disconnected while Windows or DOS is running. LARGE PHYSICAL SECTOR DRIVES Large Physical Sector Drives (LPS) are Hard Drives that use Sector Sizes Internally that are larger than 512 Bytes but report and emulate 512 Byte Sectors at the Computer Interface. Currently only the Western Digital "Advanced Format" Drives use Large Physical Sectors (4KB) but more will in the future. These Drives will work without additional considerations but due to the possible misalignment of data transfers, speed especially of writes, can be significantly reduced. To minimize this problem, RFORMAT supports an Alignment Option that will insure that Windows 9x will align it's data transfers with the Physical Sectors of the Hard Drive. See the RFORMAT and RFDISK User's Manuals for more details. If Sector Size Mapping is used and set to the Physical Sector Size (4KB for Advanced Format Drives), alignment will not be needed. Do not use the Windows XP Compatibility Jumper if provided. LARGE LOGICAL SECTOR DRIVES Large Logical Sector Drives (LLS) are Hard Drives that use Sector Sizes larger than 512 Bytes at the Computer Interface. Currently no Internal Hard Drive uses Large Logical Sectors, so support of LLS Drives in BOOTMAN2 has not been verified. When LLS Drives become available further testing will be performed. There is a possibility that such Drives may crash BIOSes making them unuseable until newer BIOSes support them. The Seagate Go-Flex 3TB USB Hard Drive uses 4KB Logical Sectors but the BIOSes tested either ignored it or crashed. See Sections on USB Drives and Sector Size Mapping below for more details. If the BIOS properly handles a LLS Drive, and properly reports it's Sector Size, then BOOTMAN2 support will not be needed as the patched IO.SYS File will handle it automatically. If the Hard Drive follows the ATA Standard then the Patched Windows 98SE Driver will handle it as well. If not, and the BIOS doesn't crash and manages to load the BOOTMAN2 Overlay, BOOTMAN2 will be able to take over and support the Drive. RFDISK and RFORMAT will automatically handle these Drives but the Overlay feature including the BOOTMAN2 Overlay will not be supported by RFDISK's Overlay Installer. DOS can handle 32KB Logical Sectors but will probably run slowly due to lack of Buffers. 16KB would be more reasonable. Windows 9x is limited to 4KB Logical Sectors. Standard Partitioners and Formatters do not support Large Logical Sector Hard Drives. Standard Partition Boot Sectors cannot be used on Large Logical Sector Hard Drives. Large Sector Hard Drives may not be compatible with old non Plug and Play Hard Drive Controllers. SECTOR ADDRESSING LIMITS There are a number of limitations in the Addressing of Sectors on Hard Disks. Some of the early ones were due to BIOS issues and are taken care of by the BOOTMAN2 Overlay. The exception to this is the 32GiB limit in Award BIOSes before 1999. This is due to a Divide Overflow that crashes the BIOS. Since the Computer does not Boot, BOOTMAN2 never gets a chance to take over. The only workaround was to set a Capacity Jumper that made the Drive look smaller and then use an Overlay to restore the true size. Modern Drives do not have 32GB Jumpers but they can be set to 32GB with Special Software. A Modified BOOTMAN2 is available that will undo the 32GB limit setting so that the full Disk can be used. Some modern BIOSes use this same Hard Drive Function to reserve space for a BIOS Backup, so resetting the limit on these Motherboards will cause corruption. The Modified BOOTMAN2 must only be used in these old Systems. Contact Author for more details. The 137GB (128GiB) limit is due to the 28 Bit limitation of the earlier LBA interface protocol. The newer protocol supports 48 Bits allowing 128PiB. BIOSes after 2002 generally support the newer protocol up to 2TiB. Windows 9x did not support the newer protocol. A number of third market Drivers added support up to 2TiB. The TBPLUS Patches add support for the full 48 Bits. A 512GiB limit due to another Divide Overflow bug has been observed in one BIOS. The Modified BOOTMAN2 described above may be useable but using it may risk corruption. The 2TiB limit is due to the 32 Bit Sector Addressing limit which is the size of the largest data word supported by the CPU. Addressing more than 32 Bits requires multi data word math that seemed unnecessary when the code was originally written. One workaround to this is to use larger Logical Sector Sizes (See above). With 4KB Sectors, as used by the Seagate 3TB Go-Flex USB Drives, this limit is extended to 16TiB. The Sector Size Mapping Option (See below) can also extend this limit to as much as 128TiB using 32KB Sectors and can be used with DOS. Most of the Motherboard BIOSes tested did not support more than 32-Bit Sector Addressing. Typically they ignored the high bits returning a nonsensical size such as 801GB for the Seagate 3TB Hard Drive, and wrapping around to the start when accessing beyond the 2TiB limit. Add-In PCI and PCI-E Cards do appear to properly support 48-Bit Drives. Even the old Promise TX133 Cards does when used with an IDE to SATA Adapter. Their Windows Drivers do not. AHCI Cards use a different Interface and are not compatible unless they also support IDE or RAID mode. Another limitation is the MBR Specification. It only uses 32-Bit Start and Length fields for Partitions. A newer Specification known as the GUID Partition Table (GPT) supports larger Hard Drives but requires EFI BIOSes that are only now becoming available, and are not supported by DOS or Windows 9x. I have developed a Proprietary Extension to the MBR Format to support up to 40 Bit Partition Start Addresses in a manner that minimizes the amount of modifications to DOS and Windows needed. RFDISK supports this Extension when used with the "-ExtMBR" Option Argument. The TBPLUS Patches for DOS and Windows support these Extended MBR Formats. BOOTMAN2 is not needed if all Drives above 2TiB are connected to Controllers whose BIOSes fully support 48-Bit Addressing and don't use Sector Size Mapping. PARTITION LIMITS A 31-Bit limit to Partition Size in Windows 9x is due to a Signed Number bug in the FileSystem Driver. The TBPLUS Windows Patch corrects this Problem. The RFDISK Warning about this problem can be safely ignored. Partition size is limited to 32-Bits in the MBR and in the FileSystem Drivers so the Extended MBR Format does not increase it. This limits a Partition's size to 2TiB for 512 Byte Logical Sectors. Larger Logical Sector Sizes can increase this limit to as much as 16TiB in Windows and up to 128TiB in DOS. See Large Logical Sectors Drives above and Sector Size Mapping below. USB DRIVES USB Drives are not supported by BOOTMAN2 and all requests will be passed through to the BIOS. A warning, identifying the Drive(s) that will not be handled, will be displayed by BOOTMAN2 during Boot. Testing so far indicates that BIOSes either ignore or crash on USB Drives that use Large Logical Sectors. This may change in the future. Combined with the 32-Bit Sector Addressing limit, this limits USB Drives to 2TiB at Boot. See Sector Addressing Limits above. Windows 9x USB Drivers only support 32-Bit Sector Addresses so USB Drives are limited to 2TiB using 512 Byte Logical Sectors with a Maximum of 16TiB using 4KB Logical Sectors. A Patch in this Pacakge removes this limit but requires 64-Bit compatible USB Controllers in the Drive Enclosure. The Seagate Go-Flex USB 2.0 Adapter (P/N 9ZH9P9-RAA) sold with the Go-Flex 3TB Drive switches to a 4KB Logical Sector Mode, with alternate ID as well, when a Hard Drive larger than 2TiB is connected. This allows Hard Drives up to 16TiB to be used with Windows without 64-Bit Support Patching. This Adapter appears to work with other Hard Drives such as the Western Digital 3TB Hard Drive. Older USB Enclosures only support 32-Bit Sector Addresses and do not simulate larger Sector Sizes so USB Drives are limited to 2TiB. All USB 3 Enclosures tested support 64-Bit Sector Address and are not limited. The Windows 98SE Patches add the 4KB Logical Sector Support needed for Hard Drives connected to the Go-Flex Adapter. Generic USB Drivers are included in the installation Disk Image and TOOLS Package to support the Go-Flex Adapter if needed. SECTOR SIZE MAPPING The Sector Size Mapping Option allows Large Logical Sector (LLS) Hard Drives to be simulated even if the Hard Drive itself has smaller Logical Sectors. This can be used to extend some of the limits such as the 2TiB limit of Partition Sizes, non-Extended MBR's or the 512TiB limit of the Extended MBR Format. Using a 4KB Sector Size will automatically align data transfers on a Large Physical Sector Hard Drive such as the Western Digital "Advanced Format" Drives. It can also be used to allow a 2Tib to 16Tib Hard Drive to be used with and without a dual Mode USB Adapter, such as the Seagate Go-Flex, while preserving the 4KB Logical Sector Interface in both modes. BOOTMAN2 is required to enable this emulation. If not present the true size will be reported. The TBPLUS Patches provides DOS and Windows support for this function. Another use for Sector Size Mapping is to create FAT based CD or DVD Images. By setting the Logical Sector Size to 2048 and creating a FAT Partition, you can create a Logical Drive that can then be copied to a CD or DVD to build a FAT16 or FAT32 based Read-Only CD/DVD Disk. BOOTMAN2 SUPPORT The need for BOOTMAN2 support must be determined for each possible configuration. The easiest way to test if BOOTMAN2 Support is needed is to use a FMINST created Floppy to Boot the Computer. If it prompts "Press CTRL-C To Boot From Floppy", BOOTMAN2 Support is required. If you are planning to use Sector Size Mapping (see below), you will need BOOTMAN2 Support. There is no harm in Installing BOOTMAN2 if it is not needed, as it will remove itself from Memory if it doesn't find anything to do. Do not use a FMINST created Floppy if BOOTMAN2 is installed on the Boot Hard Drive. BOOTMAN2 doesn't test for the EPIA bug so you should use the 48BITLBA.EXE Program from True DOS to determine support. If it reports that 48-Bit LBA Support is NOT Available on a Drive then you will need either to Press and Hold the CTRL and ALT Keys on your Keyboard until the BOOTMAN2 Prompt is displayed or obtain a Modified BOOTMAN2 from the Author. RFDISK AND RFORMAT RFDISK is a Partitioning Tool included in the TBPLUS Package to provide advanced Partitioning capability for Hard Drives supported by TBPLUS. It also can install a Multiple Boot Profile MBR that provides different Partition Configurations selectable during Boot. RFORMAT is a Formatting Tool included in the TBPLUS Package to provide advanced Formatting capability for Hard Drives supported by TBPLUS. It provide complete control of Partition Parameters. Both of these Tools are also available separately. Each of these Tools will Print Warnings when using TBPLUS features that are not supported by unmodified DOS or Windows. If you have TBPLUS fully installed you can safely ignore these Warnings as long as the Partition's Drive is not moved to an Unpatched Computer. These Warnings cover the following TBPLUS Features: Large Logical Sectors 256 Sectors per Clusters Extended MBR Start Address Multiple Extended Partitions in one Profile 1TiB FileSystem (VFAT) Bug Non-DOS Last Logical Partition (LPART) Bug The 512 Sector per Cluster Option is for Windows XP only and requires a separate Patch not included in the TBPLUS Package. PARTITIONING AND FORMATTING LARGE LOGICAL SECTOR HARD DRIVES Successfully Partitioning and Formatting Large Logical Sector Hard Drives requires certain steps be performed to be done properly. If you are setting up a Boot Hard Drive or installing Windows, follow the Instructions in the BOOTMAN2 User's Manual. Either Install BOOTMAN2 to the Boot Hard Drive or prepare a Bootable Floppy or CD to load BOOTMAN2. If you are planning to use Sector Size Mapping, Install a standard MBR, not a Multi-Boot MBR, in the Drive(s) to be mapped. Then use the SETSECSZ Program to set the Logical Sector Size (see the TOOLS README.TXT for details). If using the FMINST created Floppy, insert it in the A: Drive. Reboot. Use RFDISK to Partition the Drives, installing the Multi-Boot Profile MBRs as needed. If you use RFORMAT using the Drive Number / Partition Number Format instead of the Drive Letter Format, Format all of the Drives and Reboot. Skip the remaining steps. If you are not using the Installation Floppy or CD, add BLKSIZE.SYS to your CONFIG.SYS File and set the argument to the largest Logical Sector Size used. See TOOLS README.TXT for details. Reboot. If you are using the Installation Floppy or CD, select Option 3 if any Hard Drive is using Sectors larger than 4KB. Otherwise use the Default. Use RFORMAT to Format all new Partitions. If you are not using the Installation Floppy or CD, you can remove the BLKSIZE.SYS Driver in your CONFIG.SYS File. UNINSTALL If using a Hard Disk based BOOTMAN2 Overlay, follow the Instructions in the BOOTMAN2's User's Manual to Uninstall it. Run the appropriate Uninstall Script in the PATCH Folder to remove the DOS and/or Windows Patches. If the Script Fails, you can uninstall the Patches by restoring the original Files from their corresponding .BAK Files in C:\ and the WINDOWS, WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS and WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VMM32 Folders. If no .BAK File exists for the VFAT.VXD and/or IOS.VXD in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VMM32 Folder, simply delete them. Delete the SATA.INF, ATA0104.INF, ATA0106.INF and SATA0180.INF Files in the WINDOWS\INF Folder. WINDOWS VERSIONS The Patches in this Package are based on the last official Updates of the English Versions of the Files for Windows 98SE. The Patches appear to be compatible with Windows 98 but extensive testing has not been done. If a problem occurs please contact the Author. Use with non-English versions should work but any messages produced by the Patched Files will be in English. Use with DBCS versions such as Chinese or Japanese is not currently supported. Do not attempt to relocalize the IO.SYS file, it will crash. RELATED PRODUCTS: PATCHMEM Windows 95/98/SE/ME RAM Limitation Patch supports up to 4GB of RAM. PARTS Partition Mapper. DISK Disk and Partition Reader, Writer and Copier. DOS Patches to DOS 6.2 to access drives larger than 8GB. XFILE Advanced File Management Utility. XPSP Update files and instructions for installing Windows XP on a Large Hard Drive. NOTE: This Package is required even if the BIOS supports 48-Bit LBA and the Boot Manager is not required. WARNING: THE POTENTIAL EXISTS FOR DATA LOSS TO OCCUR DUE TO ERRORS IN THE PATCHES OR IF THE BOOT MANAGER IS NOT INSTALLED, BYPASSED OR OVERWRITTEN. DO NOT USE IN CRITICAL SYSTEMS OR WHERE HUMAN SAFETY IS INVOLVED. BOOTING FROM A FLOPPY DISK WITHOUT USING THE BOOT MANAGER'S FLOPPY BOOT OPTION WILL PREVENT THE BOOT MANAGERS CODE FROM BEING INSTALLED. BOOTING FROM A CD OR USB DEVICE WILL ALSO PREVENT INSTALLATION OF THE BOOT MANAGER'S CODE. Please E-Mail any Bug Reports to RLoew@hotmail.com. CONTACT INFORMATION: Rudolph R. Loew 506 Bieling Rd. Elmont, NY 11003 1-516-352-9078 RLoew@hotmail.com IP = conference.no-ip.org PORT = 8192 (Conference Console)