Error "0511-173" from tar When Backing Up Database Files
OS Level: AIX Version 4.1.2
Type/Model: 7015
The error message 0511-173 is displayed when backing up database
files using tar.
tar records the number of blocks assigned to the file that is stored
in the inode. It then reads from the file keeping track of how many
blocks have been read.
When tar reaches the end of the file (EOF), it compares the expected
number of blocks and the actual number read.
This error message is displayed if the two numbers do not match. tar writes all of the blocks that it reads.
Error "0511-173" From tar When Backing Up Database Files: ITEM: FAX
Dated: 2000/04/28~00:00 Category: anz
This HTML file was generated 2001/03/08~16:06:35
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