Creating a File System Large Enough to Hold Restored Files


OS Level: AIX Version 3.2.5
Type/Model: Unspecified


User is running out of space when attempting to restore files to a file system. How can the user find out how much space is being used to create a file system of the appropriate size?


Choose one of the following methods according to the type of archive. Regardless of which type of archive you have, if there are multiple file systems on the tape, after the cat command, pipe the file to run a search for the directory. Enter:
   [cat command] | grep [dir_name] | [rest of command]

For tar archives

  1. Enter the following command:
       tar -tvf /dev/rmt0 > /tmp/toc

  2. Create the file size.script. Enter:
       vi /tmp/size.script

  3. Enter the following script:
       for i in `cat /tmp/toc | awk '{print $4}'`
       ((summ=summ + i))
       ((summ=summ / 512))
       echo "Size in 512 byte blocks="$summ

  4. Change the permissions of the script. Enter:
       chmod 744 /tmp/size.script
  5. Execute the script. Enter:

    Once the script completes, a number in 512 byte blocks should be displayed. This is the amount of space used by the restored files. Create the file system a little larger than the output.

For cpio archives

  1. Enter the following command:
       cpio -itcvB </dev/rmt0 >/tmp/toc

  2. Proceed as with the tar archive, entering the following script instead:
       for i in `cat /tmp/toc |awk '{gsub ("^0", "512",$3); print $3}'`
       ((summ=summ + i))
       ((summ=summ / 512))
       echo "Size in 512 byte blocks="$summ  

For backup/restore

  1. Enter the following command:
       restore -Tqvf /dev/rmt0 >/tmp/toc

  2. Proceed as with the tar archive, entering the following script instead:
       for i in `cat /tmp/toc |grep -v The |awk '{gsub ("^0", "512",$1); print $1}'`
       ((summ=summ + i))
       ((summ=summ / 512))
       echo "Size in 512 byte blocks="$summ

Creating a File System Large Enough to Hold Restored Files: ITEM: FAX
Dated: 2000/04/28~00:00 Category: anz
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