Using cpio or pax Commands to Move Contents of Directory


OS Level: AIX Version 4.1.4
Type/Model: 560


How can I move the contents of one directory to another using the cpio or pax commands?


Using the cpio command, enter the following series of commands:

   mkdir /[pathname]/[NEWDIR]
   cd /[pathname]/[OLDDIR]
   find . -print | cpio -pdl /[pathname]/[NEWDIR]

Using the pax command, enter the following series of commands:

   mkdir [NEWDIR]
   cd [OLDDIR]
   pax -pmop -rvw [OLDDIR] [NEWDIR]

Using cpio or pax Commands to Move Contents of Directory: ITEM: FAX
Dated: 2000/04/28~00:00 Category: anz
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