The fileset bos.rte.lvm is broken.
Modify the /etc/security/sysck.cfg as /usr/sbin/clvm_cfg:
owner = root group = system mode = 550 type = FILE class = apply,inventory,bos.rte.lvm size = 2153 checksum = "13144 3 "
The fileset can now be reinstalled.
An initial attempt to reinstall the fileset returned the following errors:
3001-023 The file /usr/sbin/clvm_cfg has the wrong file mode. 3001-028 The file /usr/sbin/clvm_cfg has the wrong checksum value. 3001-049 The file /usr/sbin/clvm_cfg has the wrong file size.
The system may be using tcb. The file /etc/security/sysck.cfg has the following /usr/sbin/clvm_cfg:
owner = root group = system mode = SUID,550 type = FILE class = apply,inventory,bos.rte.lvm size = 2145 checksum = "06174 3 "
Execute ls -l /usr/sbin/clvm_cfg and check the results:
-r-xr-x--- 1 root system 2153 Sep 30 16:31 /usr/sbin/clvm_cfg
Execute sum /usr/sbin/clvm_cfg and check the results:
13144 3 /usr/sbin/clvm_cfg
Then make the modifications indicated in the Solution Summary.