Receiving Error 13 While Running InfoExplorer
OS Level: AIX 3.2.5
You receive Error 13 while running InfoExplorer.
Check the following when you receive this error:
- Ensure that the /usr/lpp/info/bin directory has read and
execute permissions on all of the files in that directory.
To do this, as root user, enter chmod 755 * in the
/usr/lpp/info/bin directory.
- If your home directory is in afs, ensure that the ACLs
for your home directory and the info subdirectory have
r and l permissions for system:anyuser. To
set the permissions, enter fs sa .
system:anyuser read in the home and info directories.
- The $HOME/info/.infolib file may have been corrupted.
Delete it and InfoExplorer will recreate it next time it is started.
- If removing infolib does not solve the problem, rename the
$HOME/info directory to something else and restart
Receiving Error 13 While Running InfoExplorer: ITEM: FAX
Dated: 2000/11/09~00:00 Category: gph
This HTML file was generated 2001/03/08~16:06:49
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