Rlogin response much worse than telnet

ITEM: RTA000087821

I want to know how to improve the performance of rlogin.                        
RS/6000 A: AIX V3.2.5 (4.8.3 BIND)                                              
           hostname : hostA.sub1.ac.jp       IP:                    
           primary    sub1.ac.jp                                                
           secondary  sub2.sub1.ac.jp                                           
RS/6000 B: AIX V3.2.4 (4.8.1 BIND)                                              
           hostname : hostB.sub2.sub1.ac.jp  IP:                     
           primary    sub2.sub1.ac.jp                                           
           secondary  sub1.ac.jp                                                
RS/6000 C: AIX V3.2.4 (4.8.1 BIND)                                              
           hostname : hostC.sub1.ac.jp       IP:                    
           nameserver -> hostA                                                  
When RLOGIN from B to A /from B to C, it takes more than 70 seconds.           
Another case (from A to B etc.) is no problem, and using                        
telnet case is OK.                                                              
I see RTA000000950 "rlogin performs much worse than telnet", and                
check all case of the name resolution. It's no problem.                         
(I use $HOME/.rhosts and resolution a client IP address is good                 
What's the cause and how can I improve this?                                    
 I took an IP trace and found out the following:                                
 hostB.s2.s1.ac.jp     hostC.s1.ac.jp     hostA.s1.ac.jp                        
 (         (     (                        
 push/ack (rsh) -->                                                            
                                     --> ?                          
                                     <-- hostB.s2.s1.ac.jp                      
                                *    --> hostB.s2.s1.ac.jp.s1.ac.jp ?           
                                     <-- s1.ac.jp:hostA.s1.ac.jp                
                                     --> hostB.s2.s1.ac.jp.ac.jp ?              
        ***** retry 4 time and wait 75sec time out *****                        
  push/ack      <--                                                             
  ack           -->                                                             
  push/ack      <-- (answer of rsh command)                                     
 When I change root domain from . to sub1.ac.jp,  I avoid this                  
  time out. But still asking wrong name (double domain name).                   
  nslookup command is OK, but host command is bad responce.                    
  Q1: Why is hostC asking wrong hostname only with rsh,rlogin,host              
      commands ? (nslookup is OK, and I check and check named profiles)         
  Q2: It seems rshd/rlogind trouble ?                                           
  Q3: Are there any possible cause of this trouble?                             
The problem with rlogin hanging for 70 seconds before coming                    
back can be caused by "hostB's" inability to resolve hostname                   
to IP addresses.                                                                
Please verify that you are able to resolve hostname to IP                       
addresses in using the command "host hostB".  If this command                   
takes long time to complete then either your nameserver is                     
down or it does not have an entry for "hostB".  If name                         
resolution is working fine, make sure that you have configured                  
the correct hostname and fully qualified domain name (from the                  
"host hostB" output) in the $HOME/.rhosts and /etc/hosts.equiv                  
You can also try using IP addresses to "rlogin" instead of                      
hostnames.  If comes back quickly then you will need to check                   
name resolution on "hostB".                                                     
   The reason for the double domain name is because your name server            
   is appending the domain name to a host that is not identified as             
   having the domain name already in place.  Please use the root domain,        
   a "." (dot, for the root domain), in the nameserver's address record         
   for hosts that include the full domain name, such as "hostB".  For          
       If hostname entry in the nameserver for domain, "s1.ac.jp",              
       is as follows:                                                           
       hostB.s2.s1.ac.jp    IN  A                                  
       your nameserver will append the domain name to the hostname              
       "hostB.s2.s1.ac.jp" if the "dot" is not included.  This will             
       return the following :                                                   
   The nslookup, rsh, rlogin, and host commands all query your                  
   nameserver for hostname to IP address resolution, however,                   
   nslookup does NOT use BIND routines to do name resolution.                   
   Nslookup uses its own queries to resolve host name to IP addresses.          
   No, rshd/rlogind are working fine at the current levels of AIX               
   (AIX V3.2.5 and AIX V4.1).  Please verify that you are using                 
   the hostname and fully qualified domain name in your /etc/hosts.equiv        
   and $HOME/.rhosts files.                                                     
   YES, your nameserver configuration needs to be re-visited.  I               
   recommend getting a copy of "DNS and BIND" by O'Reilly &                     
   Associates, Inc. ISBN 1-56592-010-4.  This book is a comprehensive           
   book on nameserver configuration.                                            
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000087821 ITEM: RTA000087821
Dated: 01/1997 Category: ITSAI6000CO
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