RISC System/6000 Network Program

ITEM: RTA000091073

When I work with the NVDM catcher on a RISC System/6000, I have the             
problem, that I'm not able to logout without killing the NVDM                   
processes, so that there is no way to restart NVDM on the RISC without          
To start NVDM, SNA services must be active, then I enter                        
   lu0 -Se32ap -B &         (e32ap is the attachment)                           
   nvdmrealy &                                                                  
everything works fine.                                                          
To stop NVDM the command is:                                                    
    lu0sndmsg X                                                                 
So, I can logout and start NVDM at a later time on the same terminal.           
However, when I logoff without the command lu0sndmsg X a message                
appears  " There are running jobs" and I have to enter Ctrl D a second          
time. I that case the NVDM processes are killed, and there is no way           
to start NVDM without reboot the system.                                        
There is the same effect, when I use the nohup command.                         
  The easiest way to solve this problem is to run the nvdmrelay                 
command as a batch job i.e. use the AIX command "batch" to start                
up the relay. This stops the nvdmrelay command attaching itself                 
to your tty device which is why you are not allowed to logout                   
after starting the command.                                                     
  By the way, the lu0sndmsg X command does not stop the nvdmrelay               
program but stops the LU0 support program. The effect of this is that           
any LU0 applications which were active at the time exit. To stop the           
nvdmrelay program, you will need to send it a hangup signal using the           
"kill" command. Stopping the LU0 support is a rather drastic solution.          
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
NVDM RELAY STARTING STOPPING                                                    

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000091073 ITEM: RTA000091073
Dated: 06/1996 Category: ITSAI6000CO
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