Using JFS for updates??
ITEM: RTA000070343
My customer has an operational requirement to replicate AIX files from
one system to another system. However, over time, updates will
be made to one system and there will be a need to propagate these
changes to the other one over a very slow line (<1200bps). The time
allowed for this is very short. What is the best way to do this?
Since AIX JFS actually keeps a log of the changes made to a system,
can this be used to update the second system, in the same way as a
database does recovery with their log file.
I don't believe it would be possible to use the jfslog of one system
to update another system mainly because the jfslog contains entry's
about i-nodes. Since the i-node structure will be vastly different
from machine to machine, the i-node references would not match
the files to be updated even thought the files that change are
the same. Also the jfslog contains data on a filesystem's free
block maps which would also not match up between machines.
Jfslogs can be used to rebuild a filesystem on the system it
belongs to but it should not be used in conjunction with any other
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000070343 ITEM: RTA000070343
Dated: 06/1996 Category: ITSAI6000GE
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