Support of 256 mb board
ITEM: RTA000070757
We now support 256 MB memory boards for the 7012-3xx machines.
- what is the minimum level of AIX 3.2 for these boards? Or does
the customer need a special PTF for AIX < 3.2.5?
- if AIX is not on the required level, does it mean the machine
won't boot (or run) or does it mean certain things as lscfg
or the diagnostics won't detect the presence of these boards?
I have checked the HONE Announcement and Salesmanual databases.
Currently, the only RISC System/6000s that support the 256MB memory
card is the 58H, 590, 990 and SP2 (all models of SP2).
AIX version 3.2.5 is the minimum level of code necessary to support
these systems.
If AIX version is not at the proper level, then the configuration
is not supported. The 58H, 590, 990, and SP2 implement POWER2
architecture. This architecture was tested for AIX 3.2.5, and is
not supported below AIX 3.2.5.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000070757 ITEM: RTA000070757
Dated: 05/1996 Category: ITSAI6000HW
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