Special device name of 3995-063
ITEM: RTA000071793
What is the name of the device special file for 3995-063 ?
Unfortunately, the special device file is not created on the RISC
System/6000 as the 3995 - x63 models come with no drivers,
software, microcode or anything else.
Since space on the 3995 is not directly usable by the AIX operating
system, the 3995 has to be bundled with Business Partner software
that makes it usable for their applications. A list of these
applications and partners is contained in the package 3995APPS on
the MKTTOOLS disk.
The Business Partner software will provide the drivers and make
the 3995 usable. The 3995 will not be known to the RISC System/6000
in any other way than the SCSI interface knowing that a device is
attached at a SCSI address.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
3995 AIX
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000071793 ITEM: RTA000071793
Dated: 03/1996 Category: ITSAI6000HW
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