How to find what events have been configured
ITEM: RTA000070618
We would like to create an application that gives us concentrated
information about an object. If we are using form we canot use
mib variables with multiple instances. But if we use table we
canot use different mib-trees. Like MIB-II and an enterprice does
not work together.
Is there any way around this?
Is there any way to find out which events have been configured with
the event configurator. Are they listed in a file somewhere?
The MIB Application Builder generates menu entries that invoke the
xnmappmon program, which acts as an application envelope for the
mibform or mibtable program. Unfortunately the restrictions you note
(mibform only returns single instances, mibtable only returns objects
from a single table) are restrictions of these underlying programs,
not of the application builder itself.
What you could do, is use the mibtable application within a shell
script, executing it once for each table that you want to
see. You could still use xnmappmon to display the result in a consistent
The event configuration information is in file /usr/OV/conf/trapd.conf.
It is not recommended that you edit the file directly, since it may
alter with changes of NetView for AIX release.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000070618 ITEM: RTA000070618
Dated: 03/1996 Category: ITSCSAIXNV6
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