How to manage HP intelligent HUB by AIX Netview/6000 V2R1.
ITEM: RTA000073517
I would like to know about network management for multi-vendor
environment using AIX NetView/6000 V2R1.
Now, my customer would like to manage HP Intelligent HUB (HP28688B)
by NetView/6000 V2R1. About this case, may understanding is
the following.
1) We can see HP HUB's MIB which is MIB-2 and HP HUB's private MIB
by NetView/6000 V2R1. But we need to load HP's MIB to NetView/6000
V2R1 before browsing MIB.
2) We can build Applications which shows performance data of HP HUB
with graphic form by MIB Application Builder.
3) We can set threshold value for HP HUB and configure specific action
for this threshold event by MIB Data Collection and Event
4) We can use Event Configuration to configure specific action for
HP HUB's trap and event.
5) We can send alert to host Netview, if some events are occurred
at HP HUB. And if we need to know more detail information about
this event, we can customize information of the alert by Alert
Is this understanding correct? And is there any suggestion about
Thank you.
All your above are good assumptions.
I have no comment about what the HP subagent may send you (traps);
you will have to check on that with HP. I mention this, because you
say you will configure specific action for HP HUB's trap and event.
You will have to have the customer determine what the enterprise-specific
traps are and determine how you will use this information in your
AIX NetView/6000 event configuration efforts.
In addition to what you list, keep in mind that you can use the API
as per the workshop sample EUI APIs if there is information you should
show "graphically" other than performance (which you already have
covered). The sample APIs are written up in: GG24-4059 "Examples of
Using AIX NetView/6000 APIs".
Also, some other aspects of managing the HUB may come into play as you
forge along; such as telnet into the HUB and HUB configuration actions.
This work may only require "normal" tcpip actions -- but, some hubs
require asynch terminal access to do the actual configuration step.
You can check these plans out with the customer and see if there is
something you can/need to take into consideration from the system in
which AIX NetView/6000 is residing.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000073517 ITEM: RTA000073517
Dated: 02/1996 Category: ITSCSAIXNV6
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