Jw:NM/AIX/v123: Install problems.
ITEM: RTA000157066
AIX Support Family
Description:trying to install netview ver5.1
PROBLEM: CC can't install the NetView patch for the Framework.
ACTION TAKEN: CC had run out of space in the /var filesystem, causing
a FILE32.PKT error. We increased the filesystem space in /var, /usr,
and / (root). The patch installed successfully. We then verified that
CC had the prereqs for a successful NetView installation, and started
the process.
ACTIO PLAN: CC will call with status. CC will make sure V5.1 runs OK
before going on to the V5.1.1 patch.
CC left VM for me saying she had gotten NetView installed OK, and
now had other questions, including how to install the N-Ways product.
ACTION TAKEN: Called, but CC had left for the day.
ACTION PLAN: CC arrives at work around 7:30. Call early on 5/14.
ACTION TAKEN: CC said she got the installation completed OK and did
some seedfile discovery. Then she tried to install N-Ways and had
sufficient problems that she started restoring her backup. She will
call me back after the restore is complete. She would like some
guidance on customizing the maps and setting up discovery. She also
needs some help with the N-Ways installation.
ACTION PLAN: CC will call back after the restore is done. I will help
her get started with map customization and discovery and then plan to
transfer her to N-Ways L2 for installation assistance.
CC called in to say she was having trouble restoring her backup, and
that she would be out part of next week.
ACTION PLAN: FUP PMR until 5/20 to wait for callback.
Hi John, I am leaving in a few minutes, but would like to talk to you
tomorrow. I have once again started from scratch. The operating system
and all required files has been installed. You're directions were a gre
help. I now have tivoli installed and put the netview 5.1 patch on and
then netview, following your instructions and the release notes.
The dynatext browser and netview books are still to be installed.
The cde has been commented out.
I have an error: o_self: destination dispatcher unavailable and can't
back into the tivoli desktop.
The only error I had on the netview install was and error on distributin
architecture specific database for netmgr. I could find no SEV_, ERROR
WARNING messages in the update.log. I did find an error in ***
in one of the other logs. I'll check on that in the am to see which one
I'll be in around 7:30 am tomorrow. My phone number is (518) 283-0148.
could really use your help again.
ACTION TAKEN: The previous e-mail was received yesterday PM, 5/19.
Today CC left VM saying whe would be available after about 11:15 AM EDT.
ACTION PLAN: Call CC back after Tech meeting.
CC still in meeting. Try again shortly.
ACTION TAKEN: CC reinstalled but nothing was being discovered.
Found that she did not have the community name of her default router.
She went off to do that and make a backup of her system.
ACTION TAKEN: CC got NetView working fine, and go t the community name
fixed in the default router. Autodiscovery works fine now.
Then, CC installed N-Ways. Now the NetView daemons won't start.
ovstatus showed that trapd was failing because of a bad line in
ACTION PLAN: Send PMR to N-Ways, AXLAN,12U for assistance and close.
-HAYS, DO -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI
Support Line: _90__ mins.
Customer having several install problems. The RABM community name
failure is causing midmand to take port 162 from trapd so it won't
start. Instructed customer on using JPM instead of RABM and removed
RABM components. Got the trapd working OK.
The ovtopmd would not start so had to run nvstat -cleanup and reset_ci.
Followed with reboot and ovtopmd and all othjers came up OK except
ahmdbserver. Tried to get it running using osconfig server and clearing
of all Nways DBs and NV DB....still would not run.
On further check, the cmld.conf file was corrupt...only 500+ bytes
with many missing lines. THe customer performed a complete install.
(During this process the PMR indicates that some filesystems filled).
Emailed a fresh cmld.conf to customer for replacement.
Also, getting hardware errors during this call. Recommended customer
opan a hardware service call than call back.
Customer will be out until mid-week next week and will call back then.
Waiting for customer call.
(Customer asked to email old cmld.conf file for review).
-HAYS, DO -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI
Support Line: _30__ mins.
Customer sent email with attached cmld.conf that was, upon review, most
corrupt...only had 2 entries, lnmbrmon and another.
I had previously sent customer a "fresh" replacement of cmld.conf and
the customer reports that the system is working OK now with it.
CUstomer also wanted to know how to get printouts of the NetView and
Nways maps. I responded in email with instructions on getting to the
print facility from the NV Tool Window and how to send it to a Postscrip
t printer.
Waiting for response from customer on status or further need for
-HAYS, DO -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI
Support Line: _50__ mins.
Customer having problem getting 8237 view up in Nways v123.
Checking revealed that PSM not installed. Checked media and no 8237
PSM to be found...now a JMA in Nways123.
Checked for JMA to come up but got error message "couldn't establish
communication with server...server connection failure".
Checked for JMAintegrator....not running.
Found that /usr was out of space.
Added 100MB+ to /usr and rebooted.
Customer had an on-site tech support person just now who would
check system further and will call back with status update or for
further assistance.
-HAYS, DO -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI
Support Line: _40__ mins.
Customer had defective memory replaced on AIX server.
Customer now still having multiple problems and no JMA comes up
After much discussion and investigation into platform, I recommended
an Nways removal, clearing of NV DB, and re-install of Nways.
THis plan was with concurrence of customer and agreed that the
DB clear for NV would not present a big problem since customer is
just now deciding to build seedfile and only small amount of
map customization is involved.
Customer will proceed and call back with status update or for
further assistance.
-HAYS, DO -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI
Support Line: _45__ mins.
Customer tried to remove product using SMIT..Nways..Maint...Remove prod
uct. The process did remove a couple of components(ahm6000.base,
cml.JCOMM, and perhaps cml.Jjim). Then customer got error message
"remove option .27.: == 5: syntax error" (as recited to me by customer).
The remove process FAILED. A "lslpp" of cml* shows basically most
everything still installed in ODM DB. There are only 3 files in
/usr/CML/deinstall_log directory...the ones named above.
--->Customer would like to move PMR to severity 2.
Defect in product removal. The machine is AIX421, NV511 and trying
to install initially Nways123.
(customer independently tried to re-install NWays after the failed
removal with not much success followed by another removal attempt
with the same resulting error message).
ACTION TAKEN: Called L3 Dean. NILM requesting information on what logs
etc. he needed to isolate this problem.
ACTION PLAN: Await call back from L3.
ACTION TAKEN: Michael explained error above. SMIT CML deinstall runs
(/usr/CML/bin/) cml.base.ksh with some option (e.g. remove product).
This calls the removeOption function, which can be found in
cml.common.ksh. $optionState == 5 test is failing, most likely because
$optionState is unset (no quotes around optionState in test statement).
If we look at where optionState is set (just above the test statement),
we can run that from the command line: be sure to export ODMDIR first).
ACTION PLAN: Call cust, follow steps above.
ACTION TAKEN: Followed above steps for all installed filesets and none
failed. Spoke with Dean (L3) who said a similar problem had been
reported on CMVC. Dean requested smit.log (just after a failed
deinstall) to see where it failed.
ACTION PLAN: Call cust. Request log file.
ACTION TAKEN: From command line-
ksh -x cml.base.ksh exec_removeProduct > barb 2>&1
(Command smit used to de-install Nways)
We viewed barb and saw that the command failed on cml.fddi, BUT lslpp -h
showed that cml.fddi was not installed.
ACTION PLAN: Contact Dean and see if this is enough information to
isolate problem.
ACTION TAKEN: Received email w/ files from cust.
ACTION TAKEN: Spoke to Dan (FOS). He will guide cust through manually
deinstalling Nways.
ACTION PLAN: Send Dean (L3) files that cust sent me.
Customer sent email indicating availability on Monday morning.
Call customer Monday morning.
-HAYS, DO -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI
Support Line: __60_ mins.
Customer had reinstalled Nways again over the weekend. It seemed to
install OK but the map did not have the defined ATM peer group that
was present previously. Upon checking the process table, there were
nine(9) orphaned mgtapptrannv processesą
Not sure why this is happening...customer is running from console and
noone else is running NV EUI...she stops EUI session by using the
"close" on the Xwindow. I suggested using the "File...Exit" option inste
ad to see if this fixes this problem.
Ran through clearing all the Nways DBs and then NV DB. CUstomer now has
seedfile for NV. CUstomer will now try EUI again to see if ATM map
is built properly.
Waiting for customer call back.
-HAYS, DO -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI
Support Line: __60_ mins.
Customer had reinstalled Nways again over the weekend. It seemed to
install OK but the map did not have the defined ATM peer group that
was present previously. Upon checking the process table, there were
nine(9) orphaned mgtapptrannv processesą
Not sure why this is happening...customer is running from console and
noone else is running NV EUI...she stops EUI session by using the
"close" on the Xwindow. I suggested using the "File...Exit" option inste
ad to see if this fixes this problem.
Ran through clearing all the Nways DBs and then NV DB. CUstomer now has
seedfile for NV. CUstomer will now try EUI again to see if ATM map
is built properly.
Waiting for customer call back.
-HAYS, DO -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI
Support Line: _20__ mins.
Checking with customer for dialin access to resolve remaining Nways
issues. Customer indicated that she would obtain access(authority
in firewall presumably) and email the info to me. I gave customer my
IP address to validate.
Waiting for customer email and/or call.
Called customer to get system access again. She will arrange dialin
access. Also, her ATM components(maps) seem to be working now.
Waiting for call back from customer.
IBM Feedback:
-HAYS, DO -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI
Support Line: _180_ mins.
Continuing work on JMA failure from install. Dialin to customer machine
eventually revealed that the jma.image package did not get installed
completely even though the ODM indicated that it was installed.
Performed ovstop and then a force install of jma.image which contains
the JdmServer code that was missing.
Cleared Nways DBs and then ovstart....system now coming up OK...JMAs
and all.
Customer is pleased since she has a demo of Nways in an hourą
Customer requested that PMR be closed.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
jma.image JdmServerImpl nways123
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000157066 ITEM: RTA000157066
Dated: 06/1999 Category: NWAYSAIX
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:10
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