NV/aix TrafficMonitor Setup and Operation
ITEM: RTA000159158
Cliente solicita retorno amanha pela manha.
cr bftiv.
Contactado cliente via telefone mas ninguem atendeu.
Contato...: Aldair - GSI (Timoteo)
Ambiente..: AIX 4.3.2
Tivoli 3.6
Netview 5.1
Nways 1.2.3
Modulos: Remote Monitor
Traffic Monitor
Problema..: O cliente informou que esta tentando visualizar dados dos
seus equipamentos utilizando o Traffic Monitor e esta
recebendo uma tela branca e mensagem de erro.
Acao......: Pedi que o cliente me enviasse os procedimentos que estao
sendo seguidos, a mensagem de erro e as log (nv6000.log,
as logs lanReMon* e trafficMon*).
Status....: Aguardando......
Contactado cliente via telefone mas ninguem atendeu.
Cliente enviou email com as os seguintes arquivos para analise:
nv6000.log, Errlog.zip(logs) e pic23614.pcx(tela com
mensagem de erro:"Error - No data Collect:No data has been collect yet.
Please check the collector configuration or wait until some data has
been collect."
Cliente informou que eh inicializado as coletas via Traffic Monitor
porem ao solicitar para visualizar os dados, aparece a mensagem acima.
Esta sendo pesquisado o problema.
ESP Eduardo falando com cliente.
Contactado cliente via telefone mas ninguem atendeu.
Cliente enviou email com as os seguintes arquivos para analise:
nv6000.log, Errlog.zip(logs) e pic23614.pcx(tela com
mensagem de erro:"Error - No data Collect:No data has been collect yet.
Please check the collector configuration or wait until some data has
been collect."
Cliente informou que eh inicializado as coletas via Traffic Monitor
porem ao solicitar para visualizar os dados, aparece a mensagem acima.
Esta sendo pesquisado o problema.
O cliente foi orientado atraves de Jason Wicker (via Forum Nways) a
realizar uma verificacao na configuracao de RMON/RMON2 e no processo
de instalacao do Traffic Monitor. Porem apos analise feita o problema
continuou.Foi solicitado o envio de informacoes via nota dos testes
e analises realizados.
Estamos esperando o recebimento das informacoes.
Contactado cliente via telefone mas ninguem atendeu.
Cliente enviou email com as os seguintes arquivos para analise:
nv6000.log, Errlog.zip(logs) e pic23614.pcx(tela com
mensagem de erro:"Error - No data Collect:No data has been collect yet.
Please check the collector configuration or wait until some data has
been collect."
Cliente informou que eh inicializado as coletas via Traffic Monitor
porem ao solicitar para visualizar os dados, aparece a mensagem acima.
Esta sendo pesquisado o problema.
O cliente foi orientado atraves de Jason Wicker (via Forum Nways) a
realizar uma verificacao na configuracao de RMON/RMON2 e no processo
de instalacao do Traffic Monitor. Porem apos analise feita o problema
continuou.Foi solicitado o envio de informacoes via nota dos testes
e analises realizados.
Estamos esperando o recebimento das informacoes.
Cliente enviou arquivos que mostra a configuracao do agente RMON.
Estou analisando as informacoes e continuo pesquisando o problema.
Contactado cliente via telefone mas ninguem atendeu.
Cliente enviou email com as os seguintes arquivos para analise:
nv6000.log, Errlog.zip(logs) e pic23614.pcx(tela com
mensagem de erro:"Error - No data Collect:No data has been collect yet.
Please check the collector configuration or wait until some data has
been collect."
Cliente informou que eh inicializado as coletas via Traffic Monitor
porem ao solicitar para visualizar os dados, aparece a mensagem acima.
Esta sendo pesquisado o problema.
O cliente foi orientado atraves de Jason Wicker (via Forum Nways) a
realizar uma verificacao na configuracao de RMON/RMON2 e no processo
de instalacao do Traffic Monitor. Porem apos analise feita o problema
continuou.Foi solicitado o envio de informacoes via nota dos testes
e analises realizados.
Estamos esperando o recebimento das informacoes.
Cliente enviou arquivos que mostra a configuracao do agente RMON.
Estou analisando as informacoes e continuo pesquisando o problema.
Customer.s NMS Server:
Framework 3.6
NetView 5.1
Nways Manager 1.2.3
Customer.s N/W environment: 8260, 8271-216, 2210, 8281,
8237, 8224, 8210.
The customer want to configure Traffic Monitor to monitor
traffics and Know where network traffic is heaviest and which
server is busiest.
After installing the products, he cannot see any active sujects
thru Traffic Monitor. The Traffic Monitor starts but never load
traffic data (msg:traffic don.t existsor wait until next collection).
When I try to load a Traffic report, the following message
is showed:
Window1: Traffic Monitor 1.2.3: No traffic loaded...
Window2: Select Database Traffic to Load
Window3:Error - No data collected
No data has been collected yet.
Please check the collector configuration ou wait until some data
has been collect. (Dismiss).
I want know what I need to do in the Traffic Monitor to show data.
Thanks and Regards.
Eduardo pbq=bftiv,953
Hi colleagues, this is from Brasil. Luis
this call needs to go to FOS
-HAYS, DO -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI
Support Line: _30__ mins.
Please refer to TrafficMonitor User Guide GC30-4010 for basic informatio
n on setting up and running product.
Some points to check as you go through that review process:
1) create a database
example: /usr/LANReMon/trafficmon/tfm_dbcreate tfm.dbs
(you may need to create a softlink to the directory if not in same
directory as product)
2) start trafficmon daemon: trafficmon start
3) bring up end-user interface: trafficmon map
4) use interface to create "sample points and sets" using RMON probe
addresses in your network.
5)start collection defined by sample points using interface.
O chamado sera alterado para severidade 2 pois o cliente informou via
email que no periodo de 27/09 a 01/10 estara em treinamento externo.
Foi enviando email para o Aldair contendo alguns pontos que devem ser
revistos no Traffic Monitor(sugetao Lab.) e solicitado retorno apos
O cliente analisou as informacoes enviadas pelo laboratorio e fez o
seguinte comentario via email:
*************************Email- Inicio**************************
Tudo foi feito conforme solicitado nas instru..es de instala..o sem
nenhum problema.
O database informix foi criado.
O traffic monitor . ativado: trafficmon start.
O mapa . ativado: trafficmon map.
Um sample Set e um sample point foram criados com um segmento
contendo um 8271 (IP e community) e suas interfaces foram "retrieved".
Uma configracao foi criada apontando o sample set criado anteriormente.
A configuracao foi ativada com o botao "run" e passou para o status
active "yes".
O database cresce com o tempo.
Na hora de solicitar os dados o traffic monitor nao exibe nada,
conforme as mensagens j. passadas.
No forum n.o obtive respostas positivas.
Estou solicitanto analise do laboratorio.
The customer analyzed the information sent by the laboratory
and made the following commentary:
**********************Beginning of the email*****************
Everything was made as requested in the instructions of installation
without no problem.
The data base informix was created.
The Traffic Monitor is activated: trafficmon start.
The map is activated: trafficmon map.
One sample Set and one sample point had been created with a segment
contend one 8271 (IP and community) and its interfaces had
been " retrieved ".
A configuration was created pointing sample set created previously.
A configuration was activated with the option "run" and passed to
the status activates "yes".
The database grows with the time.
In the hour to request the data traffic monitorial does not show nothing
as the passed messages already.
In the Nways Forum I didn.t get positive responses.
****************************End of email**************************
Please, I need some help to resolve this problem.
Thanks and Regards,
IBM Feedback:
-HAYS, DO -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI
Support Line: _150_ mins.
Make sure the dcserver process runs. It should start as you bring up
the trafficmon map if not already started. Without this process, no
collections will be possible.
Also, after starting the map application, choose "Collector Config Mgr"
and make sure RMON, at least, is checked.
Next choose "Segment Mgr" and make a "New Set" and choose "Sample Point
Set". Choose "New Sample Point" and enter your RMON agent IP address
with proper community name. Then click on "Retrieve Interface List" and
select one of the valid interfaces shown(none shown means the RMON
device is not active). Then click on "Generate Sample Points for All
Interfaces" and click "OK".
Give adequate time based on your sample time period to get some samples.
End and Restart your "trafficmon map" application.
Select from the pull-down menu "Data...Traffic" and select appropriate
RMON (or RMON2 if supported on the device). Select "Sample Point Filter"
Browse button and then select your interface for collections that should
be present in the list from your previous interface selection on the
device. Click "OK".
You should now see data collection. Work with the map display options
until you can view information.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
dcserver rmon rmon2
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000159158 ITEM: RTA000159158
Dated: 10/1999 Category: NWAYSAIX
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:11
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