5697B0600 Error messages from IFOR license server on Nways install
ITEM: RTA000160003
Aix Support Family
Oslevel: 4.3.2
Type/Model: 9076
Description:sys_down nway managager suite receiving key did not verfied
Please call Susan asap @ 518-455-2684(TEMP) she needs a callback by 2pm
eastern time.
customer rep: susan brownell, dan hays in raleigh.
problem: the install process is not accepting the remon key.
action taken: she had selected hardware install, rather than the
full install. she's trying to use the suite key to
install the remon portion.
action plan: dan is in the process of assisting the customer.
-HAYS, DO -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI
Support Line: _60__ mins.
Customer upgraded from Nways123 to Nways V2. The install went well
but customer having problems with license keys. The prompt is for a
ReMon key...customer tried to enter the only key she had, a Suite key,
which failed as would be expected.
I indicated to customer that the ReMon key is a separate key.
I led customer through a "CTRL_C" of this prompt and the install proceed
ed to the panel asking which install to select...trial, suite, etc.
CUstomer chose suite and 1000 nodes. The customer entered the suite key
and proceeded. THe prompt appeared again and the customer entered again.
The install completed OK except got a license error....no license server
Had customer run /var/ifor/i4blt -ls.....no server found.
Had customer run i4cfg -start.....no server found.
Had cucstomer run i4config...proceeded OK until end of configuration
steps, the error message followed:
"Fatal Error........
GRL-2050 I4LLMD: license DB on an invalid node
CFG20040...error reported on one or more services...services failed"
Contacted development for assistance.
I asked customer to email the ifor install report(lslpp) which she can
do on Monday morning. Contact customer Monday afternoon with update or
Waiting for development reponse(Margie M.)
-HAYS, DO -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI
Support Line: _20__ mins.
Sent customer received emails and files to development(Margie M.) for
analysis. Waiting for response.
-HAYS, DO -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI
Support Line: _20__ mins.
Received response from development on license problem. The suggestion
is to remove some IFOR_LS configuration files and re-run the i4cfg
to restart.
I called customer and left message to call back at my number.
-HAYS, DO -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI
Support Line: _30__ mins.
Customer called back for assistance. I indicated that the recommendation
given from development is to remove the IFOR_LS components from the
platform and re-install them, followed by a reconfiguration of the
server(i4cfg or i4config).
I indicated that I would send an email with some instructions on how
to proceed and always asking customer to call if any problems
Customer will be at "C"ustomer site tomorrow afternoon.
-HAYS, DO -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI
Support Line: _20__ mins.
Consulted with development again and sent email to customer outlining
steps for problem resolution.
Waiting for customer call back tomorrow(Thu 11/4/99).
IBM Feedback:
-HAYS, DO -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI
Support Line: _30__ mins.
Customer called back from "C"ustomer account to remedy license server
The customer followed the recommendation that I sent for saving the
old /var/ifor/*.dat and *.idx files.
The customer needed guidance on enrolling the licenses.
I had customer check that the license server was running(i4blt -ls)..OK.
I guided customer through the enrollment of her licenses for Suite...
i4blt -a -f /etv/4111038_2_0_N.ecf -R u -T 1000
i4blt -a -f /etc/4111038_2_0.ecf
The licenses are now enrolled properly.
THe customer tried bringing up the NV EUI and the JMAs and no more
license messages appear....problem resolved.
THe customer also mentioned that they are getting many JPM threshold
traps. I explained that the JPM produces these when the objects
monitored vary from 3 or more STD deviations from the baseline taken.
WHile these thresholds are customizable, the customer is not ready to
even utilize JPM and wished to turn it off.
I guided customer through stopping the JPM service(JdmServerProperties.
Problems resolved...PMR can be closed.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
LUM /var/ifor i4blt JPM
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000160003 ITEM: RTA000160003
Dated: 11/1999 Category: NWAYSAIX
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:12
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