Do PSF for AIX and PSM support a "remote console"?
ITEM: RTA000107675
ABSTRACT: Does PSF for AIX and PSM support a "remote console"?
SEARCH ARG: psm console
Customer is looking at installing print servers with PSF for AIX and
PSM. Customer wants to put the servers (rack mounted) in their computer
room and then put what I'd call a remote console in the print room
(approx. 300-400 feet away).
Is this doable? If so, how? Thank you.
In answer to your question, since the RS/6000(s) on which PSM and PSF
for AIX will run attach to the network through TCP/IP, you can telnet
into those RS/6000s from other workstations on the network. That will
get you basic CURSES (ASCII) access to the AIX and PSF smit screens
and the AIX command line.
If you wish full graphical display remotely, if the remote workstation
from which you telnet is running AIXwindows or an Xwindows emulation
package, then you can use the "export DISPLAY" command to export the
graphical display from the PSM/PSF RS/6000 to that workstation's
monitor. For instance, I can telnet from Dallas into an RS/6000 in
Boulder on which PSF/AIX is running and export the display to the
address of my RS/6000 in Dallas. I can then run graphical applications
on the system in Boulder and have the output display on my monitor in
Note that there are third-party Xwindows emulation packages for Windows
workstations. However, note that Boulder has not formally tested the
PSM GUI with any emulation packages; therefore they are not formally
Other options could include Xstations or Network Stations. I'm told
that an Xstation can be either network attached (using bootp) or
serially attached; if serially attached, RS232 permits 200 feet and
RS422 permits 1000 feet. Note that IBM no longer sells Xstations.
Our strategic direction is the newer Network Stations, which are
network-attached only, either Token-Ring or Ethernet; the Network
Station would be an excellent option for a remote graphical console.
This information is also valid for a remote Infoprint Manager GUI.
(Reviewed 17 Sep 1998)
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
psf aix psf/6000 psf/aix psm remote console telnet xstation network
export display station infoprint nc xwindows gui infoprint cde
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000107675 ITEM: RTA000107675
Dated: 07/1999 Category: PSMAIX
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