Is PSM supported at AIX Version 4.3?
ITEM: RTA000145857
Topic thread:
Printer Systems (PRINT)
Printing Systems Manager (PSM)
Is PSM fully supported on the latest version of AIX?
InfoPrint Manager V2 has stabilized PSF for AIX, which will eventually
be withdrawn. Will the same happen to PSM?
| Revised November 16, 1999.
| Yes, PSM is supported on the AIX 4.3 as long as you install current
| PTFs for PSM and the GUI.
| Both PSM and PSF/AIX are withdrawn from marketing effective
| December 11, 1998. The replacement product for both PSF/AIX and
| PSM is Infoprint Manager for AIX (5648-B34).
| Announcement letter 698-026 (April 28, 1998) announced that service
| for PSM, PSM GUI, and PSF/AIX has now been extended until January 31,
| 2001.
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S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
psm aix infoprint manager ix76787 4.3 4.3.x 4.3.1 support supported
5765-273 5765-541 service psf/aix 5765-505 withdrawn gui APAR
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000145857 ITEM: RTA000145857
Dated: 11/1999 Category: PSMAIX
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:08
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