Configuring a 3160 in PSM
ITEM: RTA000157488
Topic thread:
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)
Printing Systems Manager (PSM)
Hi, my customer bought IP 60 and 3160 and need to know the following:
How do for install IP60 and 3160 in PSM (Printing System Manager) for
AIX ? What is the driver for use in this installation ?, The IP60 and
3160 haven.t AIX Driver. They can.t define the Queue print in PSM AIX.
What is the procedure for do it ? What is the solution for install this
printer in PSM for AIX ?
For these printers, the model number is really irrelevant. Just
simply drag the PSF Physical printer template onto the Supervisor icon.
You then fill in the printer name, attachment type of tcpip, data
stream of IPDS, enter the tcpip address and port number and the queue
the printer is to be associated with, and hit enter. This will
create the physical printer for this printer type. This is true for
any of the IPDS printers.
Please let me know if you have any problems or further questions.
Thank you for using ViewBlue.
Hi, thks for your answer.
My customer haven.t PSF/6000.
1. How do I for install the IP60 in the PSM Server. Is possible ?. I
can.t simply drag the PSF Physical Printer.
2. What is the relation between PSM and Info Print Manager ?.
3. I know that are two products differents. But, How can I have PSM and
InfoPrint Manager in the same time in my environtment ?.
Is this (1) a base 3160 or Infoprint 60, or (2) is this an Infoprint 60
with the RPQ (8B4474 or 8B4475) to add PCL5 support?
(1) If it's a 3160-001, or if it's a 3160-002 without the RPQ, then
it is an IPDS printer only, and you *must* have a PSF product to
drive it (e.g., PSF/AIX or Infoprint Manager for AIX).
Both PSM and PSF/AIX have been withdrawn from marketing, and
Infoprint Manager is the follow-on product that replaces them both.
Infoprint Manager comes in a non-DCE version, as well as a DCE
version, and can handle the printing and printer management
capabilities of PSM. I would recommend that you do some studying
on Infoprint Manager, and you might start with the Infoprint Manager
marketing aid available from the PSC sales site.
Infoprint Manager incorporates the functions of PSF/AIX, plus more
Infoprint Manager cannot coexist on the same RS/6000 with either PSM
or PSF/AIX. There is information on the external PSC web site on
migrating from PSM to the DCE version of Infoprint Manager.
Since your customer has PSM but not PSF/AIX, and since PSF/AIX
is no longer sold, your customer will need to upgrade to Infoprint
Manager in order to drive the 3160 as an IPDS printer.
(2) If all they need is a fast 60ipm PCL printer, then you should
investigate the RPQs I mentioned earlier.
Please reopen if you have additional questions.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
psm psf/6000 psf/aix infoprint ipmgr 3160 ip60 rpq pcl ipds dce
non-dce configure install print
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000157488 ITEM: RTA000157488
Dated: 07/1999 Category: PSMAIX
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