AFP Upload: Can a jobname be passed from PSF/AIX to MVS via AFP Upload?
ITEM: RTA000100724
ABSTRACT: AFP Upload: Can a jobname be passed from PSF/AIX to MVS
via the Upload function?
SEARCH ARG: psf/aix upload
Customer has setup queues setup for AFP Upload. They would like to
use -o passthru with the class, dest, etc. This is working fine. They
would also like to pass a JOBNAME with the job so it can be easily
identified when it's printing. When they send the -o jobname= it seems
to be ignored. They want to use both the -o passthru and the
-o jobname. Is this possible?
The customer is using the TCP/IP Upload product. They would be using
SDSF (or similar non-IBM product) to view which job is printing. They
were hoping for individual job names for each print job submitted.
MVS does not allow programs to specify certain JCL values on the fly;
among these are USERID, ACCOUNT, and JOBNAME. This has to do with
security and accounting integrity.
I've checked both versions of the AFP Upload Configuration Guide: for
SNA, the book (S544-5422-00) says on page 18 that "The JOBNAME and
ACCOUNT attributes come from the JCL you specify in your APPC/MVS
Transaction Program profile." For TCP/IP, the book (S544-5423-00) says
on page 10 "The JOBNAME and ACCOUNT attributes come from the JCL
statements that you use to start the host server program."
Let me list from the AFP Upload Configuration Guide the parameters
that the AIX client program can send up, and the corresponding values
that the MVS host server program uses to set up the OUTPUT descriptor
parameters on the SYSOUT dataset into which the uploaded MO:DCA data
is placed. Then, perhaps you can find a correlation between these
values and the values that can be displayed by SDSF (either by default
or by configuration) or the non-IBM SDSF-like product.
AIX client program MVS host server program
print file options SYSOUT parameters
================== =======================
address1 ADDRESS
address2 ADDRESS
address3 ADDRESS
address4 ADDRESS
building BUILDING
class CLASS
copies COPIES
datack DATACK
department DEPARTMENT
destination DEST
formdef FORMDEF
forms FORMS
name NAME
room ROOM
title TITLE
Again, since SDSF is customizable, perhaps you can find some displayable
option that you can send up on an AIX parameter.
I hope this helps.
Reviewed November 1999
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
psf/6000 psf aix psf/mvs mvs afp infoprint
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000100724 ITEM: RTA000100724
Dated: 11/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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