PSF/AIX and AFP Upload to MVS: message 0423-659 Multiple ASCII print jobs to AFP print queue
ITEM: RTA000107545
Topic thread:
Printer Systems (PRINT)
I have set up an AIX/PSF environment with 2 types of print queues,
one is a PostScript queue and the other an ASCII queue.
I have been able to send work to the Mainframe environment through SNA
to the 3900 printers, by using the "smit psf - JobScripts" successfully.
I would now like to have the work that is being sent to these queues
from remote systems, to take on attributes similar to the JobScripts
I have been exploring the ainbe setup within /etc/qconfig but may have
confused myself even further.
Can you help me with this? I have been getting psf errors 0423-659
when attempting to send standard text files.
AFP Upload can only send AFPDS/MO:DCA-P upwards to the MVS host and
PSF/MVS, so any data you wish to send to the mainframe must first be
transformed by PSF/AIX to AFPDS/MO:DCA-P. For example, a PostScript
file must first be processed by ps2afp. Likewise, a flat ASCII file
must first be processed by acif/line2afp. The message you're seeing,
0423-659, indicates that you're trying to send non-AFPDS through an
Upload queue to the mainframe which is not supported; thus your job
is being rejected.
You didn't say specifically what platforms the remote systems are.
Most remote clients do not allow the passing of parameters to PSF/AIX.
If your remote systems are UNIX, you should take a look at the
enhanced LPR sample code that is provided with PSF for AIX (a.k.a.,
lprafp). This is documented in Print Administration; check the index
for lprafp. This sample program, when compiled on selected remote UNIX
platforms, allows you to pass parameters to PSF/AIX on the -o flag.
If your remote system does not allow the passing of parameters to the
server, you can set up different AIX print queues on the RS/6000 with
different sets of default characteristics. For example, for PostScript
jobs, you would set up a local AIX queue as described in the chapter
"Customizing PSF for AIX for the PostScript Option" in Print
Administration (S544-3817); see the section on "creating a local queue".
Then your remote clients who need to send PostScript jobs to the
mainframe would send those jobs to this local AIX queue that in turn
submits the jobs to PSF/AIX with the parameters you desire.
You can do the same thing for incoming PCL jobs as well as ASCII jobs
that must be passed through ACIF/line2afp. There are more possible
parameters for jobs to be acif'ed, so you may need multiple of these
queues to cover the combination of defaults you need.
I strongly recommend that you do not edit the /etc/qconfig file by
hand (certainly not without first making a backup). Hand-editing
that file has been known to create problems, and since you can use
the smit panels to create these local queues, you shouldn't need to
hand-edit the file.
The Print Admin book was written in the days of AIX 3.2.5, and the
smit panels for creating AIX print queues have changed since then.
To add an AIX local queue to "front-end" a PSF queue and pass it
parameters, under AIX V4, the steps in smit would be as follows:
smit printer
Print Spooling
Add a Print Queue
other User Defined Backend
That brings up a panel where you fill in the AIX queue name and
the queue device. Then on BACKEND PROGRAM pathname, you change
that to the ainbe program pointing to the name of your PSF print queue
and add any of the parameters you wish to act as defaults on that queue.
For example, for an AIX queue to act as the default PostScript queue:
/usr/lpp/psf/bin/ainbe datatype=ps formdef=F100S
For an example of how the backend program pathname would look for
a default acif/line2afp queue for ASCII data, see libraried WWQ&A
item RTA000042170.
I hope this helps.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
PSF/AIX psf/6000 psf aix mvs upload sna tcp/ip default lprafp
afpds mo:dca-p acif line2afp ps2afp PostScript pcl2afp PCL ASCII
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000107545 ITEM: RTA000107545
Dated: 12/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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