Sending docs to MVS for PSF from AIX and vice versa
ITEM: RTA000145222
ABSTRACT: Sending docs to MVS for PSF from AIX and vice versa
SEARCH ARG: psf documentation
Please point me to documentation that would direct me on how to
send documents to the host from AIX to use PSF for printing and vice
versa (sending docs to AIX from host). I'm looking for documentation
that will tell me what needs to be done, and where it needs to be done
(dataset, parms, etc.). We are running PSF/MVS 5695-040 and OS390 1.3.
Thanks for your help.
To send documents from a PSF/AIX system to PSF/MVS, you would need the
AFP Upload feature of PSF/MVS. It can work with either SNA or TCP/IP,
and each protocol has its own documentation, S544-5422 and S544-5423,
respectively. There are also a number of libraried WWQ&A items that
may contain helpful information.
To send documents downwards to PSF/AIX with TCP/IP, you can use MVS
Download (also a feature of PSF/MVS); it is documented in G544-5294
(with some additional information in PSF/AIX Print Administration --
S544-3817 -- in the chapter on Remote Printing).
To send documents downward to PSF/AIX with SNA, you can use PSF Direct.
No additional features for PSF/MVS or PSF/AIX are required.
Documentation is in S544-5287.
The information above is valid for PSF/AIX. If you are interested in
Infoprint Manager product, MVS Download, PSF Direct, and AFP Upload
are supported in Infoprint Manager 3.1 (5648-B34) or later.
The publication for PSF Direct configuration for InfoPrint Manager is
Thanks for using WWQ&A.
| Updated 9/98
|| Reviewed 7/99
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
psf/6000 psf/aix infoprint psf/mvs psf aix mvs upload download direct
sna tcp/ip print send os/390
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000145222 ITEM: RTA000145222
Dated: 07/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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