PSF/AIX and MVS Download: questions
ITEM: RTA000148144
Topic thread:
Printer Systems (PRINT)
I have to customize a MVS Download and have some questions on the AIX
part of it.
1) In the PSF/AIX administration guide, it is mentioned that the
"file type of data" is "line" in the mvsprs shell script. I am not
an expert in C, and I cannot find where it is set to "line" in the
sample shell. Could you tell me where it is ?
2) Where is the JSPROF command documented. I cannot find it in the
PSF/AIX manuals.
3) As far as I understand, jsprof will create a script file containing
all the required parameters for PSFIN. If I use the sample shell script,, does this means that ACIF will automatically be invoked when
I download the Line/370 data ?
4) Do I have to put in the path name for the resources
if it is the same as the path name specified at the PSFPATH level ?
5) Do I have to put all the resources used by the MVS job (Fonts,
Overlays, Formdef and Pagedef ) on AIX before doing the download ?
If yes, I see in such a mechanism a risk of non-synchronization ¢¢¢¢
If yes, how can we avoid this ? By running ACIF on the MVS system (in
this case I assume that I only need to have the Formdef on the AIX ?)
Thanks for your help,
Note:, is not written in C, but rather is a Korn Shell script.
R1) does not explicitly have datatype=line or JsFileType=line
coded. The current version of the shell script (from PTF U454050 and
dated Jan 21 1998) has the following at line #76:
datat ) outputstr="$outputstr JsFileType$optparm" ;;
This means that the shell script will use the value for datatype that
is sent to the shell script by the mvsprsd daemon, and as you noted in
Print Administration, that value is "line". If you will be sending down
a different datatype, you must revise the shell script line I included
above to explicitly specify that datatype, e.g., for PCL datastreams:
datat ) outputstr="$outputstr JsFileType=PCL" ;;
R2) jsprof is an undocumented command. You can get some information
by issuing "jsprof -?" from the AIX command line. In addition, you can
also issue "psfmsg 0423-449" to get a bit more information.
R3) Yes, if you use the IBM-supplied shell script when you
start the mvsprsd daemon, ACIF/line2afp will automatically be invoked
when you submit a line data on the host through MVS Download.
R4) If you've already defined the search path(s) for all your resources
in the PSFPATH environment variable, then you do not need to specify it
again in the shell script.
R5) MVS Download does not download resources for you. They must all be
available to PSF/AIX at print time. You can NFS-mount them from the
MVS host so they appear to be local to PSF/AIX, then specify that NFS
search path on your PSFPATH command. If your customer does not wish
to NFS-mount them, then they must be copied to the fixed disk of the
RS/6000. You are not the first person to note that this can result in
synchronization errors, and you should submit a formal request for
this function through the REQUEST or NEWREQ facility.
R5) If you ACIF the file on the host and create an AFPDS file with
inline resources, you must modify the shell script to specify
a JsFileType=AFPDS. Please review Information APAR II09442 for some
VERY useful information, and also RTA000099599 and G544-5294, the
MVS Download Guide.
Please reopen this item if you have additional questions.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
psf/aix psf/6000 psf aix mvs psf/mvs download acif line2afp
pcl postscript afpds inline resources PSFPATH jsprof JsFileType line
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000148144 ITEM: RTA000148144
Dated: 11/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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