PSF/AIX: Download OCR-B fonts to the 3160 printer
ITEM: RTA000148255
Topic thread:
Printer Systems (PRINT)
My customer wants to print OCR-B on his 3160 with PSF for AIX.
However the Postal services (PostBank) has problems with the
OCR-B chars produced with the (internal) font on the 3160
All the chars are too big.
I have searched the Print Administration (S544-3817-03) and
found on page 366 Using Global Resource Identifiers.
However it is not clear to me how I can instruct PSF for AIX to use
the OCR-B fonts from the PSF for AIX server instead of using the
resident fonts.
Could you please enlighten me what the best/fastest way is the produce
a correct OCR-B font on the 3160 printer?
Perhaps a microcode update is also possible?
| This information is also true for Infoprint Manager for AIX.
You can either force PSF/AIX to download just the OCR-B raster font from
the server, or to download all fonts in raster format. If you prefer
the latter, please see libraried item RTA000147116 for complete
If you want to download just the OCR-B raster font, first you need to
identify which character set is being called by the print job. A quick
review of the /usr/lpp/psf/grd/charset.grd.sample file shows six
possible OCR-B character sets: C0920BB0, C0L00BOA, C0L00BON, C0L00OAB,
C0OCRB10, and CZ920B. Once you identify which character set is being
called in the job, you can edit the charset.grd.sample file and
replace the value in the second column (fgid) with a dash (-). For
example, if your job's OCR-B character set is C0920BB0, you would
edit /usr/lpp/psf/grd/charset.sample.grd. (You might make a backup
copy first to be safe.)
You would see:
C0920BB0 306 969 144 240 - # OCRB *fd* 243
Change that to:
C0920BB0 - 969 144 240 - # OCRB *fd* 243
and save the file.
In order for these new mappings to take effect, this file must be
renamed "charset.grd" and have minimum permissions of 444, owner of
root, and group of printq. It can be placed into either the
/usr/lpp/psf/grd subdirectory or the /var/psf/
If charset.grd is installed in the subdirectory /var/psf/,
only that printer is affected by the charset.grd file.
If the file is installed in the /usr/lpp/psf/grd subdirectory, *all*
printers will use this file.
You will need to recycle PSF/AIX for the affected queues (psfctl -dtu
) so that the printer profile is re-read and processed.
I don't have information on 3160 microcode changes that might affect
this, but if you wish me to pursue that path, please reopen this item
with a note to that effect. Meanwhile, give this a try and see if the
raster font is acceptable.
Thanks for using WWQ&A.
| Reviewed 12/1999
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
psf/6000 psf/aix psf aix raster download resident font force 3160 3130
OCR charset fgid grid infoprint ipmgr
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000148255 ITEM: RTA000148255
Dated: 12/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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