Max page count for PSF/AIX or Infoprint jobs

ITEM: RTA000149052

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT)                                                         
Is there a maximum number of pages limit for jobs for either PSF/AIX            
or InfoPrint Manager?  3rd party SW developer seems to think 64K pages          
per job may be a limit.                                                         
There is no architected limit on the number of pages in a job to be             
printed in either PSF for AIX or InfoPrint Manager; the size of the job         
should be limited only by system resource constraints (such as disk             
There is also no architectural limit on the number of sides that can be         
backspaced in PSF/AIX, or backspaced or forwardspaced in InfoPrint              
Manager. There is a current implementation limit of 999,999,999 sides           
in both products.                                                               
Thanks for using WWQ&A.                                                         
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
aix psf/6000 psf/aix psf infoprint manager ipmgr limit pages backspace          
forwardspace maximum max number                                                 

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000149052 ITEM: RTA000149052
Dated: 11/1999 Category: XPSF6000
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:09
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