PSF/AIX or InfoPrint: Imbedding Structured Fields in SAP data?
ITEM: RTA000150507
Topic thread:
Printer Systems (PRINT)
1) Can we place a structured field in the OTF data from SAP
using the OTF2AFP transform. The target is to drive AFP
resources from the SAP R3 application. This was working
with R/2 on the mainframe.
2) When is the TIFF support available with the OTF2AFP transform for
the AIX version?
R1) If you're asking about the ability to include IPO or IPS
structured fields, the answer is no, you cannot specify any structured
fields with OTF. You can, however, invoke different medium maps (IMMs)
using the OTF OPEN PAGE command in the OTF data stream.
R2) I believe what you're asking about is support for the OTF RD
command (bitmap image support). That support is available in InfoPrint
Manager V3.1.
No new function will be added to PSF/AIX or its version of the OTF
transform. Defect support for PSF/AIX will continue until January 31,
2001, but PSF/AIX has been withdrawn from marketing effective December
11, 1998.
I hope this helps.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
psf/6000 psf/aix psf aix infoprint pod ipmgr sap2afp otf2afp sap r/3
r/2 imbed structured field imm ipo ips op rd otf tiff bitmap image
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000150507 ITEM: RTA000150507
Dated: 07/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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