InfoPrint Manager/PSF-AIX and Xerox Printers
ITEM: RTA000152140
Topic thread:
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)
There is a customer here in Brazil that has eight Xerox Printers and
intends to change some of them by IBM Printers (InfoPrint 4000).
Is it possible to use PSF/AIX or InfoPrint Manager to submit and manage
all printers (Xerox-non IPDS- and IBM)??
The customer wants only one SW to manage and submit jobs in this
Can PSF/AIX or InfoPrint Manager do this ??
Please review libraried item RTA000151994 which discusses InfoPrint
Manager and non-IBM printers.I found it by doing a search on InfoPrint
Print Manager and Xerox. If you have additional questions after
reviewing that item, please reopen this item; you will need to provide
specific information on which Xerox printers your customers wants to
In the future, please do a search to see if an already libraried
response will answer your question.
Before I asked this question, I looked for this kind of question and I
saw this RTA000151994, but the answer is not clear.
"Can InfoPrint Manager support Xerox printers? The answer is that it
depends. It will depend on how/where that printer is connected, what
data stream it supports, and what kind of jobs you want to print to
it. InfoPrint Manager will be able to support some Xerox printers,
but not others."
The customer has 5 x 4635, 1 x 4890 (Metacode) and 1 x 6135 (Docutech -
no variable data).
Is it possible to connect all these printers in a LAN, the same LAN
where it is connected to "MPC with InfoPrint Manager", and is the
InfoPrint Manager be able to manage these printers ??
Let me preface this by saying that Boulder has not tested any Xerox
printers with InfoPrint Manager and thus can't claim official support.
- 6135: | Infoprint Manager V3.1 with current PTFs has added support
| for selected DocuTechs. Please review libraried item
| RTA000155396.
- 4890 (metacode): No. Nowhere in any of the InfoPrint Manager
publications or announcements or salesmanuals have we ever
claimed support for metacode.
| You should contact PSC Services for information on the XPORT
| service offering.
- 4635: It depends. On the Xerox web page, Xerox does claim that the
4635 IPS (IPDS) model is compatible with all PSF platforms,
including PSF/AIX. Boulder has not tested the Xerox IPS
printers with either PSF/AIX or InfoPrint Manager and does not
officially support them. I do know of at least one customer who
is using PSF/AIX to drive a 4635 IPS; thus one could infer that
InfoPrint Manager may also drive a 4635 IPS, but Boulder can't
claim support because it's never been officially tested.
If the 4635s are not IPS models, then I honestly can't get
enough information from their web page to tell. The only way
InfoPrint Manager would be able to support a non-IPDS 4635
through the PSF DSS would be if it can appear as a PCL4 or PCL5
printer. InfoPrint also has the AIX and BSD DSSes; although
AIX does not have native support for the 4635, if the 4635 can
emulate a printer that AIX does support (one possibility might
be as a PostScript printer), then it may be possible for
InfoPrint Manager to manage the 4635 through the AIX DSS.
Xerox will have to provide you with additional information on
the datastreams that the 4635 can support or the printers it
can emulate.
Thanks for using ViewBlue.
| Revised 26 July 1999.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
psf/6000 psf/aix psf aix infoprint ipmgr pod mpc xerox 4635 4890
metacode docutech 6135
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000152140 ITEM: RTA000152140
Dated: 07/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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