PSF/AIX and PPFA/AIX: How do I specify a 300 DPI font in my pagedef? (Also Infoprint Manager)?

ITEM: RTA000153447

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)                                                
 AFP FONTS                                                                      
I have a customer with RS/6000 and PSF/AIX, they have IBM3900-0W1               
and Network Printer 4324 both attached via Ethernet BNC to RS/6000,             
Boulder made a font for me Black Ball, She made two fonts (300 and              
240 DPI versions). They sent me C0IBMCN.240 and C0IBMCN.300, I'm                
using C0IBMCN.240 for IBM3900, Now I want to print to Network Printer.          
I want to use C0IBMCN.300, I put FONT F1 IBMCN.300 in PPFA program,             
this generate an error, How can I use the font of 300 DPIs?.                    
Thanks for your help..                                                         
From the sample PPFA line you provided, your naming convention is wrong.        
In the PPFA syntax you used, you're referring to a coded font, like             
X0IBMCN; you're not referring to the character set (C1IBMCN.300).               
Acceptable extensions for coded fonts (and all resources) are                   
described in PSF/AIX Print Submission (S544-3878-03) in Table 2,                
page 35 in my copy.                                                             
For coded fonts, the acceptable extensions are (in hierarchical order):         
1)  No file extension (i.e., your coded font is named X0IBMCN)                  
2)  FONT3820 (i.e., your coded font is named X0IBMCN.FONT3820)                 
3)  FONT38PP (i.e., your coded font is named X0IBMCN.FONT38PP)                  
4)  CFT (i.e., your coded font is named X0IBMCN.CFT)                            
Then as long as you had either an X0IBMCN, an X0IBMCN.FONT3820, an              
X0IBNCN.FONT38PP, or an X0IBMCN.CFT in one of the PSF search paths              
with the correct permissions, you could use the PPFA syntax you                 
described (without the .300):                                                   
  FONT F1 IBMCN                                                                 
Alternatively, if you had coded your font command in PPFA to specify            
the character set and code page names explicitly, then you could refer          
to the character set with the .300 extension.  For example (and I don't        
that this is the correct name for your codepage, but as an example):            
   FONT F1 CS IBMCN CP IBMCN ;                                                  
Refer to the PPFA documentation on the specific syntax if you have              
Acceptable extensions for Font Character Sets in 300-pel resolution are:        
1) .300 (i.e., C0IBMCN.300)                                                     
2) .FONT300 (i.e., C0IBMCN.FONT300)                                             
3) No file extension (i.e., C0IBMCN) -- I prefer not to use this because        
   in a mixed environment such as yours with 240 and 300 pel fonts,             
   you can't tell what's what, and they really are different files,            
   since the character set contain the rasters for the characters.              
Acceptable extension for code pages are:                                        
1) No file extension (i.e., T1IBMCN)                                            
2) FONT3820 (i.e., T1IBMCN.FONT3820)                                            
3) FONT38PP (i.e., T1IBMCN.FONT38PP)                                            
4) CDP (i.e., T1IBMCN.CDP)                                                      
Note that in the PPFA syntax, you leave off the two character prefix            
(i.e., the X0, C0 or T1), but the font resource files themselves must           
have the prefixes attached and must be in upper case in a search path           
that PSF/AIX knows about with the right file permissions.                       
Please reopen if you have additional questions.  Be sure to include             
any specific error messages including the number.                               
I tested with this instruction:                                                 
FONT F1 CS IBMCN CP IBMCN; On the IBM3900 printed good, but on the              
Network Printer doesn't work, Appear the following errors:                      
0423-506 PSF could not MAP the code page name T1IBMCN to a CPGID, GCSGID        
0423-526 PSF could not MAP the font character set name C0IBMCN to a             
         resident font character set.                                           
Can you help me. Thanks..                                                      
By default, PSF/AIX V2 tries to use resident fonts in a printer; if it          
can't map the font (character set or codepage) to an equivalent                 
printer-resident resource, then it should download the codepage and/or          
the raster character set to the printer.                                        
Are those all the messages you received?  Those messages are for                
information only and tell you only that PSF tried to map those names            
to its internal GRD mapping files (samples of which are in                      
/usr/lpp/psf/grd), but did not find an entry in the tables for those            
names, in which case it automatically tries to download the font from           
the host. You usually don't receive those messages except in conjunction       
with other more serious messages (for example, it can't find the font           
or it doesn't have it in the right resolution).  Without additional             
messages for clues, I can't tell you exactly what the problem is.               
If you can provide more messages, I'll do my best to help.  Otherwise,          
I'd suggest you check that you have the files with the correct                  
extensions(as described in my earlier response)  in a PSF search path           
with universal read permissions.  The directory itself must also have           
universal read permission.                                                      
Closing for now, but please reopen if you have additional messages.             
Can you help me. These are the messages:                                       
0423-506 PSF could not MAP the code page name T1IBMCN to a CPGID, GCSGID        
0423-526 PSF could not MAP the font character set name C0IBMCN to a             
         resident font character set.                                           
0423-295 PSF will use the code page named T1V1IBMCN this codepage name          
         was specified on a map coded font (MCF) or codefont index (CFI)        
         structured field.                                                      
0423-296 PSF will use the FCS named C0IBMCN this FCS name was specified         
         on a map coded font (MCF) or codefont index (CFI) structured           
0420-124 Error: Structured field EOF (X'D30000') was received when one          
         of the following structured was expected: FNG,EFN.                    
0420-060 The error occurred with the object type active environment             
         group with token name unknow.                                          
0420-060 The error occurred with the object type page with token name           
0420-060 The error occurred with thw object type document with token            
         name STDOUT.                                                           
Here's the key message right here:                                              
0420-124 Error: Structured field EOF (X'D30000') was received when one          
         of the following structured was expected: FNG,EFN.                     
There's some kind of problem with your character set; since you                 
mentioned the 300 pel printer, I'm assuming these error messages                
relate to the 300 pel version of the character set, C0IBMCN.300.                
I don't know how Boulder sent you the fonts, but I would try reloading          
that particular file and making sure that you transfer it to the                
RS/6000 in binary format.  It could be that the font was incorrectly            
You can try an afpdmp to see if PSF thinks it's valid AFP, but we               
already know that it doesn't.  (afpdmp C0IBMCN.300).                            
If reloading your copy in binary format doesn't work, then I'd                  
suggest you contact Boulder and have them send a new copy; perhaps by          
some mistake, they didn't transfer that particular file in binary               
Those are the only suggestions I can come up with.  There's is clearly          
something wrong with the font.  The only question is whether you were           
sent a bad font, or did you load it incorrectly.                                
Good luck. I hope this helps.                                                   
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/6000 psf/aix psf aix font character set code page codepage coded            
error ppfa binary infoprint ipmgr hierarchy extension                           

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000153447 ITEM: RTA000153447
Dated: 11/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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