PSF/AIX or Infoprint Manager/AIX: loading new copy of resource each time job is run (testing)
ITEM: RTA000157789
Topic thread:
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)
How can I assure that a new resource is loaded from disk with each new
job submission. I can do this with the USERLIB in PSF/MVS. What is the
equivalent way to do this with both InfoPrint Manager and PSF/AIX smit
Neither PSF/AIX nor Infoprint Manager keep the pagedefs or formdefs
in "memory" between jobs. They will always be reread from the
directories in the search path (resource-context) for each job, using
the first ones found that are accessible (correct permissions).
It is possible to store external resources (fonts, overlays, and page
segments) at the printer between jobs, and that is user-customizable.
The default numbers of those resources saved between jobs are 10, 0,
and 0, respectively (both products).
To modify this:
1) In PSF/AIX:
smitty psfcfg
Show / Change Characteristics of a PSF for AIX Printer
Tuning Options
To have these changes take effect, you must stop the ainbe process
for that printer and restart it so the profile is reread. From
the command line, this would be "psfctl -dtu prtname".
2) In Infoprint Manager, these are attributes on the actual
ip32-pp: maximum-fonts-to-keep = 10
ip32-pp: maximum-overlays-to-keep = 0
ip32-pp: maximum-segments-to-keep = 0
When you use the administrative GUI to change these values, the
underlying PSF process will automatically shutdown and restart
the actual destination for you so the new values take effect.
I hope that answers your question. Thanks for using ViewBlue.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
psf/6000 psf/aix infoprint ipmgr userlib test resource download force
pagedef formdef font page segment pseg overlay flush maximum printer
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000157789 ITEM: RTA000157789
Dated: 07/1999 Category: XPSF6000
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:11
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