Edge or Copy marks - PSF/AIX, MVS, VM, Infoprint Manager?
ITEM: RTA000160599
Topic thread:
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)
My customer claims that in one of his several locations the Infoprint
4000 (attached to PSF for AIX) prints copy marks (in JES language, aka
Print Edge Marks), in other locations not. Since he likes them, he
asks me where in PSF for AIX he can control the printing of the copy
marks. I cannot find in the available manuals nor in WWQA, that PSF
for AIX has the capability to print those marks (it can print however
Forms Marks on header, trailer, message and audit pages). Infoprint
Manager can print them.
A related question from the same customer, who prints also with
PSF/VM: where PSF/VM he can control the printing of the copy marks.
Thank you
Copy or edge marks are activated by an IPDS command (XOH CEM) sent by
PSF to an IPDS printer. Edge marks cannot be specified in AFPDS as a
structured field. (Likewise, forms marks (XOH MF) are IPDS only.)
On MVS, copy marking is controlled by JES initialization parameters.
For JES2, the COPYMARK parameter on the PRTnnnn statement specifies
when the copy mark is to be incremented: at the end of each data set
or copy of a data set, or at the end of the job. So PSF/MVS doesn't
really control copy/edge marks, though it generates the IPDS sent to
the printer to activate them.
In the formdef there is a JOG parameter; if JOG YES is specified for
a formdef used on a continuous forms printer, the copy mark will
be incremented.
VM doesn't have an equivalent to the JES COPYMARK command, although
PSF/VM should honor JOG in the formdef. I'm not a PSF/VM expert, but
I believe there is a mark-form control that can be activated if
separator pages are used. I don't know if that's what you're looking
for. If you have more questions in this area, please reopen this
item and I'll get our PSF/VM responder to answer.
The activation of edge marks or copy marks is not supported by PSF/AIX
unless it is being used in a PSF Direct configuration in which the host
(MVS, VM, VSE or OS/400) supports and has activated edge marks.
The specification of edge marks is supported by Infoprint Manager.
There is some information in libraried ViewBlue item RTA000152658.
I hope this helps. Please reopen if you have additional questions.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
psf/6000 psf/aix psf aix infoprint ipmgr psf/mvs psf/vm mvs vm jes
copymark copy mark edge mark forms mark-form
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000160599 ITEM: RTA000160599
Dated: 12/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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