How can PSF/6000 customer transform afpds input to pcl
ITEM: RTA000089769
ABSTRACT: How can PSF/6000 customer transform afpds inputs to pcl
outputs and automatically store the results to files?
SEARCH ARG: psf pcl afp
Customer wants to know if there is a way for PSF/6000 to accept AFPDS
input and automatically output PCL to a file?
We are familiar with the pcl2afp transform which allows us to transform
pcl input to afp output and store to a file. Is the a module we can
access that will allow us to transform afp to pcl and store to a file?
We have successfully taken AFPDS input and output as pcl to a file by
changing the command to execute for output and directing to a specific
file; however, we haven't figured out how to have the backend
automatically assign a file name.
There is no mechanism in PSF/6000 to save AFP that has been converted
to PCL4 or PCL5 to a file. The only approach I'm aware of is the one
that you've already tried. You may wish to submit a requirement through
HONE REQUESTS if your customer feels this is a significant shortcoming.
| Same statement is true for Infoprint Manager for AIX.
| Reviewed 03 May 1999
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
AIX PSF6000 AFP PCL FILE psf/6000 psf/aix infoprint afpds afp2pcl
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000089769 ITEM: RTA000089769
Dated: 05/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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