PSF/AIX V2:Two different header pages for one queue
ITEM: RTA000089921
I have one PSF/6000 queue, which is filled from two different queues.
These is an AIX print queue and an MVS remote queue.
I want to use "ainuxhdr" as header page if the filling queue was the
AIX queue, and "ainuxhdr2" if the job was sent from the MVS queue.
Can I do that? How?
You can only have one header page per PSF/AIX V2 print queue.
- If you are printing to an IPDS printer, you can define more than one PSF/AI
print queue per IPDS printer, but only one can be active at a time.
Each PSF/AIX queue could have different user exits specified.
Since only one queue can be in conversation with the printer at a
time, you will need to configure the PSF/AIX Job Interval Shutdown
timer for each print queue to a reasonable number of seconds.
Please search ViewBlue for libraried items that discuss this timer.
- You can have more than one PSF/AIX print queue active per PCL/PPDS
printer because the jobs are redirected to an AIX print queue. Thus
you wouldn't need to worry about the timers.
So, in your situation, if you are printing to an IPDS printer, you can no way
set up two different PSF queues, each with its own header exit but you
*MUST* set the timer values. Or, if you are printing from both AIX
and MVS Download to a PCL or PPDS printer, then you could create two
different PSF/AIX queues, each with their own header program, pointing
to the same AIX queue (qprt -Ppclqname -dp -Z¢) and thus the same
physical printer.
I hope that helps. Thanks for using ViewBlue.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
timer job interval shutdown
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000089921 ITEM: RTA000089921
Dated: 05/1999 Category: XPSF6000
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:04
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