PSF/AIX: How do we configure PSF for AIX to drive
ITEM: RTA000094019
ABSTRACT: PSF for AIX: How do we configure PSF for AIX to drive a
duplex 3900 in dual simplex mode?
SEARCH ARG: psf/6000
How do we configure PSF/AIX to drive a duplex 3900 in dual
simplex mode?
PSF for AIX V2 formally supports the 3900-D01/D02 only as TCP/IP-
attached using either RPQ 8B3940 (Token-Ring) or RPQ 8B3943 (Ethernet).
Channel-attachment of AFCCU printers is not supported under PSF for AIX
V2. (Channel-attachment of non-AFCCU channel printers such as the 3829
or 3835 is supported. A PSF/AIX PTF is required to get channel support
when running PSF under AIX V4; contact your local support center.)
When configuring a duplex 3900 using TCP/IP, you assign a single IP
address to the 3900 AFCCU. Then you assign a TCP/IP port to each of
the print engines. For example, assign port 5001 to the printer when
in duplex mode; when in dual simplex mode, assign port 5001 to print
engine #1 and port 5002 to print engine #2. It is important that
the port for the printer in duplex mode be the same as print engine
#1 in dual simplex mode.
Here's some information from the 3900-Dxx Introduction and Planning
Guide (the same text appears under both Token-Ring TCP/IP attachment
and Ethernet TCP/IP attachment):
"1) If your installation runs in simplex and duplex mode, specify
the same TCP Port value for duplex mode as you do for Printer 1
in simplex mode. (IBM recommends using the default value, 5001.)
Also, make sure you specify a unique value for Printer 2 in
simplex mode; Printer 1 and Printer 2 cannot use the same value.
(If you use the default value, 5001, for Printer 1, IBM recommends
using 5002 as the value for Printer 2.)
2) The TCP Port numbers specified in the printer configuration must
match the PORT numbers assigned in the host PSF system.
3) Since Printer 1 simplex and the complete system in duplex share
a common port number, operational procedures must be defined to
distinguish between duplex and simplex printing. The easiest
way to manage this is to assign separate queues for duplex versus
simplex output (for PSF/2 and PSF/6000)..."
Please ensure that the MTU size on the printer matches the MTU size
on your LAN; change the MTU size on the printer to match that of the
LAN. On the AIX system, you can type the following command at the
command prompt to see the MTU size for your attachment:
netstat -in
The value will likely be either 1500 or 1492, depending on your type
of LAN.
You need to configure at least two (perhaps three, if it's easier to
keep straight; see example below) PSF for AIX queues, making sure to
to specify the correct port numbers. The default port when configuring
an AFCCU (or 7913-attached) printer in PSF for AIX is 5001; you MUST
override the default value when defining the queue for the second
engine. From a PSF for AIX standpoint, it's identical to configuring
two separate 3900s. The fact that there's only one AFCCU handling the
two engines is transparent.
Perhaps it might be less confusing to have three different queues in
p1a - for the first print engine in dual simplex mode; using a port
of 5001
p1b - for the second print engine in dual simplex mode; using a port
of 5002
p2 - for the 3900 in duplex mode; using a port of 5001
(whatever port the first dual simplex engine uses).
Let me clarify the order in which you should switch from dual simplex
to duplex.
Assume that the printer is currently configured in dual simplex mode.
I'm going to use the queue names from the example above.
1) At the RS/6000, bring the queues down. You should be able to use
the psfctl -dt command, but if that does not bring the queues down,
you can use the psfctl -kd command. For example,
psfctl -kd p1a
psfctl -kd p1b
Or you can disable both queues simultaneously:
psfctl -kd p1a p1b
2) Only after the PSF queues are DOWN, then re-IML the printer in
duplex mode. Follow the procedures in the 3900 Duplex Operator's
Guide for Shutdown/Restart the System.
3) Ensure that the attachment is enabled following the instructions
in the 3900 Duplex Operator's Guide for Enabling and Disabling
Attachments. Note the following:
"You need to enable attachments whenever you power on the system
in duplex mode, whenever you power on a printer in simplex mode
without using Auto Start, or whenever a disabled attachment
needs to be enabled."
You could also test this by trying to ping the IP address of the
printer. If you cannot ping the printer when it's IMLed in duplex
mode, verify that the attachment is enabled.
4) Once the 3900 is ready, at the RS/6000, bring up the PSF for AIX
queue for the printer in duplex mode using the psfctl -u command:
psfctl -u p2
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
AIX PSF/6000 PSF FOR AIX DUPLEX 3900 DUAL SIMPLEX psf/aix infoprint
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000094019 ITEM: RTA000094019
Dated: 12/1999 Category: XPSF6000
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:05
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