PSF/AIX: PSF Direct from OS/400.Using GG24-4493
ITEM: RTA000096518
ABSTRACT: PSF/AIX: PSF Direct from OS/400. Using GG24-4493
examples, but still not working
SEARCH ARG: psf/6000
We are trying to configure PSF Direct (PSF/AIX) from an AS/400. We
have the "PSF Direct Network Configuration Guide for System/370"
(S544-5287-02) and the redbook "Distributing AFP Printing from a
Host System" (GG24-4493-00). We are following the examples on pages
36-42, but are still unable to connect. Are there any other sources
of information, or do you have other suggestions?
Per our conversation, you're using a token-ring connection.
GG24-4493 is missing a critical SNA Server/6000 profile in the section
you mentioned. You will need to add a Transaction Profile Name (TPN)
profile like the one on page 31 under local_tp. For example:
smit sna
Configure SNA Profiles
Advanced Configuration
LU 6.2
LU 6.2 Transaction Program Name (TPN)
Add a Profile
Add LU 6.2 TPN Profile
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
(TOP) (Entry Fields)
* Profile name (psfdirect)
Transaction program name (TPN) (30F0F0F0)
Transaction program name (TPN) is in hexadecimal? yes
PIP data? no
If yes, Subfields (0-99) (0)
Use command line parameters? no
Command line parameters ()
Conversation type basic
Sync level none
Resource security level none
If access, Resource Security Access List Prof. ()
Full path to TP executable (/usr/lpp/psf/bin/ainpsfhr)
Multiple instances supported? yes
User ID (0)
Server synonym name ()
Restart action once
Communication type signals
If IPC, Communication IPC queue key (0)
Timeout Attaches? yes
If yes, timeout value (0-3600 seconds) (60)
Standard input file/device (/dev/console)
Standard output file/device (/dev/console)
Standard error file/device (/dev/console)
Comments ()
Also, make sure you have a recent copy of S544-5287. Do not use the
-00 level as there were some errors that have been corrected in more
recent editions. In particular, if you are configuring PSF Direct to
use a dependent logical unit, be sure to add an LU6.2 Side Information
profile that includes the "Local LU alias" and either the "Partner LU
alias" or the "Fully qualified partner LU name". (Also, customers using
PSF Direct with an OS/400 system must create a mode profile with the
same name as the mode on the AS/400. This mode profile must be named
So the side information profile would look like this:
Add LU 6.2 Side Information Profile
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
(TOP) (Entry Fields)
* Profile name (PSFD0101)
Local LU or Control Point alias (PSFD0101)
Provide only one of the following:
Partner LU alias ()
Fully qualified partner LU name (USIBMBQ.FSAES833)
Mode name (QSPWTR)
Remote transaction program name (RTPN) ()
RTPN in hexadecimal? no
Comments ()
Also make sure that the value for "Solicit SSCP Sessions" in the
Token Ring Link Station profile is set to "no" for AS/400s.
I hope that helps.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
side information profile LU dependent independent psf communications
server cs/aix
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000096518 ITEM: RTA000096518
Dated: 01/1999 Category: XPSF6000
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:05
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