PSF/AIX tape-to-print function and operator functions.
ITEM: RTA000097991
ABSTRACT: PSF/AIX tape-to-print function and operator functions.
SEARCH ARG: tape psf/aix | psf/6000
I'm not very familiar with the tape-to-print function of PSF/AIX
and I'm traveling so don't have access to the books. A customer
is considering using the tape-to-print function to replace
their current system used on MVS. One of the questions they
had was the operations, that is, while processing/printing from
tape, will they be able to interrupt and resume and backspace?
For tape-to-print processing, you can interrupt a job on an input device
(e.g., interrupt the tape device, unmount the tape, run other jobs) and
later resume the job through the smit panels. If you interrupt the
input of a job that is also printing on an output device, the output
device will stop printing when it reaches the point where you
interrupted the input for the job. If this happens, you can:
- Resume the interrupted job if you want to continue printing the
interrupted job. Before resuming the job, make sure the correct
tape is loaded in the tape drive.
- Interrupt the output device or cancel the job at the output device
if you want to print the next job in the queue.
You can also interrupt a job on an output device (printer) and later
resume via smit.
You can backspace (or restart) jobs currently printing on an output
device. If the job you need to reprint is no longer printing, you
can rerun a job.
Note that the customer will require sufficient disk space for the
Input Manager workarea for the above functions. The space required
will depend on the size of the customer's jobs and their retention
Thank you for the response. One more question ... upon resuming
a job, can you resume printing on a different printer?
For resuming a job, if you go through the smit panels you can only
resume it on the same printer. If you use the command line (the
enq command), you can resume it on a different printer, but you must
be sure to issue the same flags on the enq command as you did when you
first submitted the job (like formdef, respath, etc.) or your results
will not be what you expect.
Thanks for using ASKQ.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
operation capabilities input manager psfin
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000097991 ITEM: RTA000097991
Dated: 07/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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