Switching a 3160 printer between PSF/MVS and AIX
ITEM: RTA000098945
ABSTRACT: Without MVS TCP/IP, can we support PSF/MVS and AIX with
a 3160 attached to PSF for AIX?
SEARCH ARG: psf aix direct mvs
A PSF/MVS customer would like to replace a 3827 immediately with
a 3160, AND support a new application on his RS6000. He does not have
TCP/IP on his MVS host. Can we support both PSF/MVS and AIX with
PSF/AIX? Direct? Without MVS TCP/IP, what are our attachment options?
As per our telephone conversation, you have several options.
1) PSF/MVS through PSF/AIX Direct (SNA) and PSF/AIX (LAN) sharing a
network-attached 3160 through the use of timeouts (see announcement
letter 294-793; S5445287 TERS3820 on PENPUBS);
2) PSF/MVS owning the printer; AIX jobs routed to PSF/MVS through the
new AFP Upload for AIX (see announcement letter 296-207; UPLDSNA
3) You can manually switch the 3160 between PSF/MVS and PSF/AIX. Only
one PSF can own a printer at a time, so you must drain or disable
the printer from one system before enabling it on the other:
When printing on MVS, to manually switch to the AIX system:
- On the MVS system enter the JES2 command: $PPRTxxxx
- On the printer: if MVS and AIX use different attachments, disable
the MVS attachment, then enable the AIX attachment. If both MVS
and AIX are attached through TCP/IP, this is not necessary.
- On the AIX system, enter the command:
psfctl -u prt.name (enable the printer).
When printing on AIX, to manually switch to the MVS system:
- On the AIX system, enter the command:
psfctl -dt prt.name (disable the printer after the
current job prints. If you want to disable immediately, use -dk
instead pf -dt. This puts the current job on hold and restarts it
from beginning when printer is enabled to AIX again.
- On the printer: switch attachments if needed (see above).
- On the MVS system enter the JES2 command: $SPRTxxxx
4) There would also be the possibility of RJE between the two systems.
IBM does not sell an AIX RJE package, but there are a number of OEM
companies that do.
That's a quick first pass, but if you need additional detail on any of
these options, please reopen this item. Be sure to check the prereqs
in either the announcement letters or SALESMANUAL.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
CROSS PSF AIX MVS SNA DIRECT UPLOAD psf/aix psf/6000 tcp/ip 3160
share InfoPrint Manager IPMan IPMANAGER ipmgr
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000098945 ITEM: RTA000098945
Dated: 12/1999 Category: XPSF6000
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:06
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