Boot up problems on 7043-140 after adding memory.
ENV: 4.1.5 7043 43P 140
PROBLEM: System hangs at F05 LED after adding memory.
If the system has more than 512MB then the system hangs
ACTION TAKEN: Checked the level of firmware on the failing system and
found that it was TIG97009a, which was down level.
Downloaded the latest firmware level; will install it on
the system to determine if this gets us past the 512MB
limit and F05 failure. Continuing to search to see if
there are any software issues with this.....
Could find no software limitation or ptf's.
The new firmware did not fix the problem of more than
512MB of memory being accepted. Kingston memory is being
used in the 140. Got the part numbers for the OEM memory
for 128 DIMMs from Kingston Technology: KTM-43P/128
bar code 7-40617-02072-4.
Depending on the version of firmware currently installed
on the system, the upgrade to the latest may fail if there
is >256MB installed in the system. So if when following
the upgrade process it stops with LED=F1D (i think???)
then remove enough memory to get the installed
configuration to \<=256Mb.
Engineering has talked to the OEM mfg. Kingston and found
that they have 3 different kinds of 128MB DIMMs, and they
feel that the wrong ones may be installed in the 140.
They are going to talk to them about exchanging and work
the problem out. It appears to be the oem mfg company's
problem at this time.
Customer has confirmed that if they use IBM 128MB DIMMs
they have no problem running more that 512MB. The
problems occured because they had Kingston OEM DIMMs
which had a fault in them that Kingston is looking into
now. Kingston 64mb DIMMs did work ok.
ACTION PLAN: Closing with Approval
FONT size=2Support Line: Boot up problems on 7043-140 after adding memory. ITEM: DC2906L
BRDated: August 1997 Category: N/A
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