VT100 Emulation and FMS on DIGITAL-ALFA SYSTEM

ITEM: RS4000014818

**************> QUESTION level 1 --> level 2 SPECIALIST <**************         
one of our customers wants to connect about 50 RISC/6000 to                     
a Digital-alfa system running Open VMS using TCP/IP.                            
Emulation must be vt100 and be able to handle FMS formatted screens.            
From the RISCs running telnet they are able to access the                       
Digital system in vt100 mode and eveything is OK till they work                 
in line mode running comand line comands, but when they access                  
their applications the terminal hangs. The application screens                  
are formatted by FMS (that seems to be a standard product for                   
screen formatting in VMS).                                                      
Any idea if we are able to handle this emulation and if yes                     
Thanks very much in advance, best regards, Marina.                              
**************> ANSWER   level 2 --> level 1 SPECIALIST <**************        
====> THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
PMR E0359,998,758 was created on 96/12/02 at 16:04:59.                          
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====> THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
====> ASGN: SGARDNER AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961202                  
Received by Austin ITSC and assigned to AIXCOMM.                                
Your question has been received and assigned to a specialist. Please            
wait for a reply. Thank you.                                                    
====> RESP: AIXOPSYS ==================================== DATE:961203           
====> RESP: AIXOPSYS AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961202                  
Your item has been received.                                                    
**************> ANSWER   level 2 --> level 1 SPECIALIST <**************         
====> THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
====> RESP: AIXOPSYS AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961203                  
We would suggest to increase the tty speed In addition try going into           
SMIT and turning the flow control to hardware. You can also issue this          
command "stty add rft < /dev/tty#"                                              
NOTE: # is the tty number that you have assigned.                               
Thank you for using AIX Technical Support.                                      
************** QUESTION level 1 -- level 2 SPECIALIST **************         
==== THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN ITALY                                
We would suggest to increase the tty speed In addition try going into           
SMIT and turning the flow control to hardware. You can also issue this          
command "stty add rft < /dev/tty#"                                              
NOTE: # is the tty number that you have assigned.                               
Thank you for using AIX Technical Support.                                      
Question 2:                                                                     
From your reply I think you misunderstood my question: my customer             
wants to connect a RISC/6000 to a DEC system running VMS using TCP/IP           
over LAN. The DEC system supports vt100 terminals, so they negotiate            
the usage of vt100 emulation. Unfortunately the default IBM terminfo            
contents for vt100 does not allow the display of application screens            
created by FMS (Open VMS standard). My question was if it's possible            
and if yes, how to modify the terminfo to support FMS.                          
My customer says that with HP running UX they do NOT have this problem.         
I suppose they modified their terminfo.                                         
Thank you very much in adavance, best regards, Marina.                          
************** ANSWER   level 2 -- level 1 SPECIALIST **************         
==== THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
PMR E0359,998,758 was updated on 96/12/04 at 15:39:04.                          
************** ANSWER   level 2 -- level 1 SPECIALIST **************         
==== THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
==== ASGN: SGARDNER AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961204                 
Received by Austin ITSC and assigned to AIXOPSYS.                               
Your question has been received and assigned to a specialist. Please            
wait for a reply. Thank you                                                     
************** ANSWER   level 2 -- level 1 SPECIALIST **************         
==== THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
==== RESP: AIXOPSYS AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961204                  
Your additional information has been received.                                  
************** ANSWER   level 2 -- level 1 SPECIALIST **************         
==== THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
==== RESP: AIXOPSYS AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961205                 
FMS is a full screen VAX Forms Management System.                               
This is a DEC application and I have know knowledge if they                     
use terminfo or anything else for control.  (is is written                      
in curses, if not, then the issue is not really with terminfo.                  
You did not say what level of AIX you are using.  At AIX 4,                     
the dec.ti file supplied with the operating system is authored                  
by DEC.  There have been significant changes to curses in                       
going from AIX 3 to AIX 4 and the terminfo files change.                        
Is the customer using vt100 terminals, or some other terminal with             
vt100 emulation?                                                                
This is a new question to the support group.  No one has reported               
this problem in over 4 years so we don't have all the knowledge                 
that might be usefull.  If the application isn't curses based,                  
then changing terminfo won't help much.  Other mapping schemes                  
are "setmaps" which is really character translation on input                    
and output.                                                                     
Here are some suggestions to try:                                               
1. Get the terminfo file from the HP system and copy it to:                     
and see if that works.  You can always regenerate the old                       
one with "cd /usr/share/lib/terminfo; tic dec.ti".                             
2. Capture the output by running "script" before telnet'ing                     
to the VAX system.  The output will all go to a file called                     
"typescript", and it will contain all the characters that                       
are being sent.  You can examine the file with "od -cx typescript"              
and compare this to the terminfo definitions.  To see the                       
current terminfo defintions for comparison try:                                 
"tput blink | od -cx"                                                           
"tput bold | od -cx"                                                            
"tput box1 | od -cx"                                                            
"tput font1 | od -cx"                                                           
"tput sgr0 | od -cx"                                                            
3.  Does any of the screen get painted?  Can we pinpoint where                  
this is happening?                                                             
4.  I would highly recommend AIX 4 be used.                                     
5.  What changes were made to the HP system?                                    
6.  What does DEC support say about UNIX systems and telnet'ing?                
Please contact your local AIX support center for additional assistance          
if problems persist.                                                            
Thank you for using AIX Support services.                                       

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