Core dump on an stripped program

ITEM: RTA000073500

When a stripped executable crashes, making a core dump, how can                 
this core dump be used to find out in which routine the crash happened.         
I did the following test:                                                       
  1 made a program with a bug in it. (ttt.c)                                    
  2 compiled it with the -g option                                              
  3 ran it, so it crasshed                                                      
  4 ran dbx with the executable and core dump. dbx told me nicely               
    where it crashed. (in which source code routine it crashed)                 
  5 copied the executable to ttt.bak                                            
  6 stripped ttt                                                                
  7 ran ttt so it crashed making a new core dump                                
  8 ran dbx, which only gave information in hexadecimal style                   
  9 copied ttt.bak back to ttt                                                  
 10 ran dbx again with this core dump and the unstripped ttt execubable         
    But dbx didn't give me source code information. (At least not the          
    the correct line where the program crasshed)                                
------end of test ---                                                           
So my conclusion: you cannot just use the core dump of a stripped               
version of a program in combination with the unstripped version of              
the same program to get dbx to give you source code information on              
the crash.                                                                      
Is there another way in which you can get this info?                            
   I created two executables:                                                   
   cc -g -o a.nonstripped ttt.c                                                 
   cc -g -s -o a.stripped ttt.c                                                
# cat ttt.c                                                                     
int i;                                                                          
i = 5;                                                                          
   Example of core dump situation with nonstripped                              
# cp a.nonstripped a.out                                                        
# ./a.out                                                                       
IOT/Abort trap(coredump)                                                        
# dbx a.out                                                                     
dbx Version 3.1                                                                 
Type 'help' for help.                                                          
reading symbolic information ...                                                
.using memory image in core.                                                    
abort process in raise at 0xd00c6bc0                                            
0xd00c6bc0 (raise+0x24) 80410014          l   r2,0x14(r1)                       
(dbx) where                                                                     
raise(0x0) at 0xd00c6bc0                                                        
abort(0x0) at 0xd00c6ad0                                                        
main(), line 5 in "ttt.c"                                                       
(dbx) quit                                                                      
# del a.out core                                                                
a.out core                                                                      
del: Remove these files?  y                                                     
   Example of core dump situation with stripped                                
# cp a.stripped a.out                                                           
# ./a.out                                                                       
IOT/Abort trap(coredump)                                                        
# dbx a.out                                                                     
dbx Version 3.1                                                                 
Type 'help' for help.                                                           
reading symbolic information ...warning: no source compiled with -g             
.using memory image in core.                                                    
abort process in raise at 0xd00c6bc0                                            
0xd00c6bc0 (raise+0x24) 80410014          l   r2,0x14(r1)                       
(dbx) where                                                                     
raise(0x0) at 0xd00c6bc0                                                       
abort(0x0) at 0xd00c6ad0                                                        
main() at 0x1000028c                                                            
(dbx) quit                                                                      
# del a.out                                                                     
del: Remove a.out?  y                                                           
   Example of core dump situation where core produced with stripped             
   executable.  Then, core viewed with nonstripped executable.                  
# cp a.nonstripped a.out                                                        
# touch core                                                                    
# dbx a.out                                                                     
dbx Version 3.1                                                                 
Type 'help' for help.                                                           
reading symbolic information ...                                               
.using memory image in core.                                                    
abort process in raise at 0xd00c6bc0                                            
0xd00c6bc0 (raise+0x24) 80410014          l   r2,0x14(r1)                       
(dbx) where                                                                     
raise(0x0) at 0xd00c6bc0                                                        
abort(0x0) at 0xd00c6ad0                                                        
main(), line 5 in "ttt.c"                                                       
(dbx) quit                                                                      
# exit                                                                          
   Now, please notice how these files were produce.  Both files                 
   were produced -g.  -g code is not optimized.  Optimized                      
   code is very different internally than -g code.  Therefore,                  
   you must compare apples to apples.  -g code stripped to                     
   -g code nonstripped.  Also, remember -g should not be                        
   used with -O.  That is documented in the compiler documentation.             
   Now, if you have optimized code that is stripped, you                        
   can use a compiler listing and a binder map to locate lines of code.         
# cc -O -s -qlist -bR:map ttt.c                                                 
# ./a.out                                                                       
IOT/Abort trap(coredump)                                                        
# dbx a.out                                                                     
dbx Version 3.1                                                                 
Type 'help' for help.                                                           
reading symbolic information ...warning: no source compiled with -g             
.using memory image in core.                                                   
abort process in raise at 0xd00c6bc0                                            
0xd00c6bc0 (raise+0x24) 80410014          l   r2,0x14(r1)                       
(dbx) where                                                                     
raise(0x0) at 0xd00c6bc0                                                        
abort(0x0) at 0xd00c6ad0                                                        
main() at 0x10000284                                                            
(dbx) map                                                                       
Entry 1:                                                                        
   Object name: a.out                                                           
   Text origin:     0x10000000                                                  
   Text length:     0x716                                                       
   Data origin:     0x20051400                                                  
   Data length:     0x38                                                        
   File descriptor: 0x8                                                        
Entry 2:                                                                        
   Object name: /usr/lib/libc.a                                                 
   Member name: meth.o                                                          
   Text origin:     0xd0020000                                                  
   Text length:     0x143d                                                      
   Data origin:     0x20000200                                                  
   Data length:     0x144                                                       
   File descriptor: 0x9                                                         
Entry 3:                                                                        
   Object name: /usr/lib/libc.a                                                 
   Member name: shr.o                                                           
   Text origin:     0xd00c2000                                                  
   Text length:     0xb0f24                                                    
   Data origin:     0x20001200                                                  
   Data length:     0x4f950                                                     
   File descriptor: 0xa                                                         
(dbx) quit                                                                      
   Therefore, we are looking for the source line that is responsible            
   for 0x10000284.  One clue, we are in main somewhere.  Take a look            
   at the load map:                                                             
0706-812 XCOFF BINDER MAP     Page   1                                          
 ADDRESS  LENGTH  CL TY      NAME               SOURCE FILE           COMPILE S 
    00000000            ER       .0.errno           import                      
    00000000            ER       .1.abort           import                      
    00000000            ER       .2.exit            import                     
0   00000200 000078  PR SD       .3..__start        *NO TAG*     from /lib/crt0 
0   00000278 000040  PR SD       .4.<.main>         .file        from ttt.o     
    00000278            LD       .5..main                                       
   We can see that main is located 00000278.  The dbx map command               
   indicated that the starting address for a.out was 0x1000 0000.               
   Object name: a.out                                                           
   Text origin:     0x10000000                                                  
   Therefore, code for main starts at 0x1000 0278.  Now, the                    
   difference between 0x1000 0278 and 0x1000 0284 is 0xC.                       
   Now, we can use the listing to determine the actual                         
   source line.                                                                 
IBM AIX XL C Compiler  Version 01.03.0000.0009 --- ttt.c 03/05/94 12:36:02      
>>>>> OPTIONS SECTION <<<<<                                                     
***   Options In Effect   ***                                                   
 FOLD          LIST          MAF           XCOFF                                
>>>>> OBJECT SECTION, OPTIMIZATION <<<<<                                        
 GPR's set/used:   ss-s ssss ssss s---  ---- ---- ---- ----                    
 FPR's set/used:   ssss ssss ssss ss--  ---- ---- ---- ----                     
 CCR's set/used:   ss-- -sss                                                    
     | 000000                           PDEF     main                           
    1|                                  PROC                                    
    0| 000000 mfspr    7C0802A6   2     LFLR     gr0=lr                         
    0| 000004 stu      9421FFC0   1     ST4U     gr1,#stack(gr1,-64)=gr1        
    0| 000008 st       90010048   1     ST4A     #stack(gr1,72)=gr0             
    5| 00000C bl       4BFFFFF5   0     CALL     gr3=abort,0,fcr",abort",gr1,cr 
    5| 000010 cror     4DEF7B82   1                                             
   Now we can see that the listing indicates line 5 (first column, 5|)          
   is responsible for 0xC (second column,00000C).                               
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                 
CORE DUM STRIPPED PROGRAM                                                       

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