Problem with NWAYS Manager RABM

ITEM: RTA000152403

ENTER PROBLEM DESCRIPTION AND QUEUE TO ZAIXV3 L165                              
SELECT ALL APPLICABLE SUPPORTLINE SERVICES:                                     
     HOURLY: N           MONTHLY: Y                                             
     24 X 7: Y           COMPLIMENTARY: N                                       
    PREMIUM: Y           PROGRAM SERVICES: N                                    
   CONSULTLINE ELIGIBLE: YES:  -   NO:  X                                       
   XMENU ITEM REFERENCE:  HK2776__                                              
**********************     ATTENTION    ***************************             
Time associated with work on this PMR must be recorded using                    
FI 973. Both DEFECT and USAGE time must be documented in this FI.               
Cust has a problem with NWAYS Campus Manager                                    
** Cust is requesting a timely response                                         
 =-=-=> 09/04/98 <=-=> 07:50:30 CDT <=-=-=> Anthony Testman <=-=-=              
Called and left message to callback.                                            
Waiting for customer to callback.                                               
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-98/05/15-14:40--FI             
 Support Line:  _60__  mins.                                                    
Paged customer...customer responded.                                            
Customer has AIX421, NV4, and NWAYS v1.1 with problems in RABM.                 
I informed customer that this level of NWAYS is no longer supported             
from a DEFECT perspective..only through FOS contract.                           
CUstomer has plans to upgrade and asked about the latest level.                 
Customer getting errors when trying to add node to RABM submap.                 
Customer has messed around in the /usr/rabmv2/db files and caused               
problems with the DB.                                                           
I indicated that we could re-initialize the RABM but will have to               
perform some maintenance on the NV DB even to possibly clearing the             
NV DB.                                                                          
Proceeding .....the rabmServerInstall -c completed with no problem.             
Now ovobjprint|grep "Router and" search on NV DB shows that there               
are entries in DB to be cleared.                                                
Went through dump of object DB and checking for entries that                    
are preventing RABM submap additions...there are some. Had customer             
remove an example router from all submaps from the NWays submap and             
then compress the NV DB and check again for entries relating to this            
device....still appear in DB. Advised customer that the most prudent            
approach from here is to clear the DB, perhaps backing it up for later          
restore, and clearing all NWAYS DBs and NV DB and rediscovering.                
The customer had some problem in the past with the HUB map in that the          
NV seedfile has fully qualified hostnames(DNS) and followed by a specif         
ic IP range for discovery(don't understand why..?) and the hub icons            
were never executable. When the customer removed the specific IP range          
from the seedfile and started discovery again, the HUB icons seemed             
proper...executable, etc.                                                       
THe customer will proceed to discover again preceeded by clearing of            
ALL DBs incl NV DB.                                                            
Customer will call back with status update or for further assistance.           
Before, when running rabmServerInstall -c, the NCMPserver and rabmEvent         
Server daemons started fine..just still had the problem error message           
when trying to add device to RABM submap..."already in DB.."                    
NWAYS is v1.1 and NV 4 and AIX 421.                                             
Waiting for customer callback.                                                  
Called and left message regarding RABM DB problems...asked customer             
to callback.                                                                    
Waiting for customer callback.                                                  
IBM Feedback:                                                                  
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-98/05/15-14:40--FI             
 Support Line:  __12_  mins.                                                    
Called customer for status update and to offer an additional maint              
step on RABM adding objects.                                                    
(/usr/OV/bin/ovw_clear_db -d -r /usr/OV/fields/C/rabm.fields)                   
Customer had already resolved with recommendations from last                    
PMR closed.                                                                     
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
rabm ovw_clear_db                                                               

FONT size=2WWQA: ITEM: RTA000152403 ITEM: RTA000152403
BRDated: 09/1998 Category: NWAYSAIX
BRThis HTML file was generated 99/06/24~12:43:40
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