ITEM: RTA000053124

I think this is about the best place I can ask this.  I hope you                
can help, at least to get me started (pointed in the right                      
direction) in answering the following list of questions a good                  
customer of mine recently posed to me.                                          
1) If the user stack must reside in Segment 2 (I'm for now ignoring the         
   in the Large Program Support Overview which states that the user stac        
   be relocated into the shared memory segment),  is it correct then tha        
   STACK default should be set to 65536 and not -1 in the limits file?          
2) Is the shared memory segment register 13?                                    
3) Does the STACK parameter refer to the total of both the user stack an        
   the kernel stack or just the user stack?                                     
4) What are the IBM definitions for user stack and kernel stack?                
5) Is the initialized program data stored with the executable (object co       
   in register #1?                                                              
6) Is the uninitialized data stored in Register #2 in the user data port        
   of the register for small models(less than 256)?                             
7) The use of -1 for the data default in the limits file is troubling.          
   Is this just for now an oversight by IBM?  It would appear to me that        
   a program could get out of control and absorb all the available memory       
   in registers  3 through 10 in addition to register 2?  I only went           
   to register 10 because the documentation said only 8 additional regis        
   could be referenced.  Why only 8.  Why not 10?  Up to register 12.           
8) This is my understanding of a problem program that would apply to que        
   number 7.  Is it a correct understanding?  I could build a C program         
   uses a simple linked list data structure.  The program enters a loop         
   continues to perform malloc's.   Is it conceivable that my program wo        
   continue to run until all the memory in the registers 2 through 10 ar       
   The program would then core dump after the last failed malloc.  Where        
   the core dump go if all available memory is used?  Would the machine         
   the machine lock up?                                                         
---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------                
A: 1) Q: it correct then that the STACK default should be                 
         set to 65536 and not -1 in the limits file?                            
      A: No, this is not correct.  If you do indeed ignore the                  
         Large Program Support (i.e., you do not compile with the               
         -bmaxdata option), then the stack cannot grow to a size                
         larger than a single segment (256 MB).  By setting the                 
         limit to -1 (unlimited), this just allows the stack to                 
         grow until it hits the heap.  Here is a diagram:                       
         SEGMENT 2 (POINTED TO BY REGISTER 2)                                   
         ¢                                  ¢ <- Highest address                
         ¢          USER INFORMATION        ¢                                   
         ¢                                  ¢                                   
         ¢                                  ¢                                   
         ¢       THE MYSTERIOUS RED ZONE    ¢                                   
         ¢                                  ¢                                   
         ¢                                  ¢                                   
         ¢              STACK               ¢                                   
         ¢                ¢                 ¢                                   
         ¢                ¢     Grows       ¢ <- The stack pointer              
         ¢              ¢¢¢¢¢  Downward     ¢    is somewhere in               
         ¢               ¢¢¢                ¢    here                           
         ¢                ¢                 ¢                                   
         ¢                                  ¢                                   
         ¢**********************************¢ <- Stack soft limit               
         ¢                                  ¢                                   
         ¢XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX¢ <- Stack hard limit               
         ¢                                  ¢                                   
         ¢                                  ¢                                   
         ¢                                  ¢                                   
         ¢                                  ¢                                   
         ¢                                  ¢                                   
         ¢                                  ¢                                   
         ¢               ¢                  ¢                                   
         ¢              ¢¢¢                 ¢                                   
         ¢             ¢¢¢¢¢                ¢                                  
         ¢               ¢      Grows       ¢ <- The sbrk pointer               
         ¢               ¢      Upward      ¢    is somewhere in                
         ¢              HEAP                ¢    here. malloc                   
         ¢                                  ¢    moves sbrk up.                 
         ¢                                  ¢                                   
         ¢  INITIALIZED AND UNINITIALIZED   ¢                                   
         ¢     VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS      ¢                                   
         ¢                                  ¢                                   
         Without using large program support, the stack cannot                  
         grow outside of this segment.  With STACK set to -1, the               
         hard limit is, for all intents and purposes, removed,                  
         and the stack size is limited only by the current size                
         of the heap.  This is the default setting because it                   
         gives each process as much stack space as possible                     
         within the process's private segment (pointed to by                    
         register 2).                                                           
   2) Q: Is the shared memory segment register 13?                              
      A: Yes.                                                                   
   3) Q: Does the STACK parameter refer to the total of both the                
         user stack and the kernel stack or just the user stack?                
      A: Just the user stack.                                                   
   4) Q: What are the IBM definitions for user stack and kernel                
      A: USER STACK: Memory space used by processes to store                    
         process private local variables and process private                    
         subroutine return information.                                         
         KERNEL STACK: Memory space allocated from the kernel's                 
         memory space which serves to store local variable and                  
         subroutine return information when a process is running                
         in kernel mode (for example, when a process makes a call               
         to a kernel routine).  The kernel contains kernel stack                
         space for each process.                                                
   5) Q: Is the initialized program data stored with the                        
         executable object code in register 1?                                 
      A: Yes, but this is never used.  Allow me to explain.  The                
         segment pointed to by register 1 contains the executable               
         object code, and the executable object code contains                   
         initialized program data.  This information is NEVER                   
         accessed, however, by the process.  ONLY THE LOADER                    
         accesses this information.                                             
         As far as the process is concerned, initialized program                
         data is stored in the segment pointed to by register 2,                
         in user data space.  See the diagram of memory that I                  
         created for question number 1.                                         
   6) Q: Is the uninitialized data stored in register 2 in the                  
         user data portion of the register for small models?                   
      A: Yes.                                                                   
   7) Q: The  use of "-1" for the data default in the limits file               
         is troubling.  Is this just for now an oversight by IBM?               
         It would appear to me that a program could get out of                  
         control and absorb all the available memory in registers               
         2 through 10.                                                          
      A: Fortunately, it is not quite that simple.  First notice                
         that unless the developer of the program compiles with                 
         large program support, then the process cannot access                  
         more than 256 MB (1 segment) of data anyway.  All other                
         addresses will be out of the program's address space.                  
         At some point a program might overwrite its own                       
         stack, which will simply cause its behavior to become                  
         undefined.  At this point, the program could conceivably               
         destroy anything to which it has write access, but it                  
         would take an amazing coincidence for the program to do                
         anything but maybe produce one or two invalid results and              
         then die with a segmentation violation as soon as it                   
         tried to execute a return from a function.                             
         Furthermore, if a process was compiled with the large                  
         program support, and if the developer had requested access             
         to the maximum of 2 gigabytes (GB) of memory, the program              
         still could not hurt anything simply by absorbing memory.              
         You must keep in mind that a process works in virtual                  
         memory.  The size of virtual memory is limited by the                  
         size of paging space.  If a program compiled for 2 GB                 
         access tries to access all its memory, then either the                 
         system will have enough paging space (more than 2 GB) to               
         support this and all other processes on the system, or                 
         it will not have enough paging space.  If it does indeed               
         have enough paging space, then the logical execution of                
         the program and of all other processes on the system                   
         will run properly (though if the real memory is much                   
         less than 2 GB then the system may experience a serious                
         slowdown, a condition commonly called "thrashing").                    
         If the system has less than 2 GB of paging space, then                 
         when the paging space falls below a certain level, AIX                 
         will detect a low paging space condition.  If the                      
         condition is not corrected, AIX will start killing                     
         processes in a logical manner.  Sooner or later AIX will              
         kill the process which is trying to access 2 GB.  If you               
         need to know the exact scheme for determining which                    
         process is the next to be killed in a low paging space                 
         condition, then please respond back as that will require               
         further research.                                                      
      Q: Why only 8 (registers are available for process data                   
      A: The system reserves 2 registers for attaching shared                   
         memory segments only.  I can only speculate as to why                  
         this was done.  Once the loader assigns a register to                  
         a segment, you cannot detach from that segment.  Thus,                 
         if you use all your registers, you cannot attach to any                
         shared segments.  I speculate that development wanted to              
         avoid this situation.  The reasoning behind decisions                  
         made by development is not generally documented and we                 
         have no access to this information.                                    
   8) Q: Can a simple linked-list building program repeatedly                   
         issue mallocs until all memory in registers 2 through                  
         10 is used?                                                            
      A: Yes, it is conceivable if the program was compiled with                
         large program support.  If the program was not compiled                
         with large data support, then it will only fill up                     
         segment 2.  In any case, the worst thing that typically                
         will happen is AIX will kill the process.                              
      Q: Where would a core dump go if all memory is used?                     
      A: Again, you must remember that a process works only                     
         within its virtual memory.  This virtual memory can                    
         never be all of paging space because AIX will kill a                   
         process before it allows the process to use up all the                 
         available space.  If the system has enough memory to                   
         support more than 2 GB of paging space, then when the                  
         large process attempts to cross the 2 GB boundary,                     
         malloc will realize that the process is out of memory                  
         and it will take appropriate action.  It will be able to               
         take appropriate action because AIX will page out the                  
         normal program code if necessary in order to make room                 
         for malloc to run.                                                     
         If the system cannot support more than 2 GB of paging                 
         space, then as soon as AIX feels threatened by the large               
         process (i.e., when the process attempts to lower the                  
         amount of unused paging space below a safety level),                   
         AIX will kill it.                                                      
         Thus, a core dump would proceed normally if the program                
         ever even reached the point at which it filled all its                 
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This item was created from library item Q676831      FFKSW                      
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