ITEM: RTA000035900

PLATFORM: RISCSYSTEM AIXRT AIXPS2 AIX370                                        
** This item contains information that is intended to be helpful,  **           
** accurate and act as a guide of HOW TO accomplish a given system **           
** task.  The provided explanations, techniques and procedures     **           
** have been reviewed for technical accuracy and applicability,    **           
** but have not been tested in every possible environment or       **           
** situation. Normal precautions should be taken in adopting these **           
** same techniques and procedures, because as product and system   **           
** interfaces change, so would the usage of this information       **           
** change.                                                         **           
This HOWTO describes the steps necessary to connect the RISC                    
System/6000 to a System/370 host via a channel attached 3174                    
controller, using AIX 3.2 SNA Services/6000 and the Host Connection             
Program Version 1 Release 3 (HCON 1.3) over a Token-Ring                        
connection to the 3174.                                                         
It is assumed that SNA Services/6000, HCON 1.3, and AIX 3.2 have been           
installed.  It is also assumed that the Token-Ring adapter and it's             
proper cable are installed and defined on the RISC System/6000.                 
The user should be familiar with the System Management Interface Tool           
(SMIT).  SMIT "FastPath" names are listed as "FASTPATH: smit                    
-C _xxxxxx" where xxxxxx is the FastPath name.  The "-C" flag                   
bypasses the Motif interface.  If you prefer, you can use the                  
SMIT Motif interface.                                                           
A sample of the VTAM listing used for this connection is included               
at the end of this HOWTO.  PLEASE NOTE that the values in the sample            
may differ from the values contained in the VTAM list for your site,            
and that the sample is included for reference only.                             
When connecting to a local 3174 controller via Token-Ring, the                  
3174 will address the RISC System by the "burned-in" Token-Ring                 
address OR by a Locally Administered Address (LAA) which will be                
given to you by the system programmer.                                          
If it is decided to use the "burned in" address of the Token-Ring              
adapter, you will need to get the address of you Token-Ring adapter             
and give it to the system programmer.  The "burned-in" address can be           
found by issuing the "netstat -v" command at the AIX prompt.  The               
first several lines of output from this command will look like                  
the following:                                                                  
      TOKEN STATISTICS (tr0) :                                                  
      Hardware Address: 10:00:5a:a8:83:a7                                       
      Transmit Byte Count: 282619     Receive Byte Count: 240938                
      Transmit Frame Count: 1862      Receive Frame Count: 2941                 
In the example above, the burned in address is listed by the                    
"Hardware Address" entry as 10:00:5a:a8:83:a7 (your adapter's                  
address will be different).  Give this address to the system                    
 If you need to use an LAA given to you by the VTAM programmer,                 
 you will need to enter the LAA in the Token-Ring adapter                       
 description using smit.  Prior to doing this, all products                     
 running on the RISC System which utilize the Token-Ring adapter                
 (TCP/IP, SNA Services, etc.) must be stopped.  The adapter must                
 then be brought down using the following command:                              
                 ifconfig ADAPTERNAME detach                                    
 In the example above, ADAPTERNAME would be name of the Token-                  
 Ring adapter that will be used for SNA Services (tr0, tr1, etc).               
Reconfigure the Token-Ring adapter using smit.  The smit                        
command sequence is as follows:                                                 
   smit -C token                                                                
         Change / Show Characteristics of a Token Ring Adapter                  
            tok0 (OR WHATEVER ADAPTER WILL BE USED FOR SNA)                     
               Enable ALTERNATE TOKEN RING address - - - - - yes                
               ALTERNATE TOKEN RING address  - - 0xNNNNNNNNNNNNN                
   NOTE: 1. NNNNNNNNNNNN is the LAA given to you by the VTAM                    
         2. When entering the LAA, precede the LAA with "0x"                    
            or else the value will be invalid.                                  
    Press enter to submit the change.                                           
 After the LAA has been entered and enabled, the Token-Ring adapter             
 must be enabled using the following command:                                   
                 ifconfig ADAPTERNAME up                                        
 In the example above, ADAPTERNAME would be name of the Token-                  
 Ring adapter that will be used for SNA Services (tr0, tr1, etc).               
CONVERTING AIX 3.1.5 PROFILES TO AIX 3.2:                                       
 On the AIX 3.1.5 system:                                                       
    Export ALL SNA profiles to a file:                                          
    exportsna -f export_file (you can also use smit)                            
    Migrate the file (export_file, or whatever name you chose)                  
    to the 3.2 system (via Backup/Restore, FTP, etc.)                           
 On the AIX 3.2 system:                                                         
    Run the awk script against export_file (or whatever name you                
    chose) and redirect the output into a new file:                             
    awk -f /usr/lpp/sna/bin/sna_update.awk export_file > newprof_file          
    Import the new file (newprof_file):                                         
    importsna -l newprof_file (you can also use smit)                           
 Your AIX 3.1.5 SNA Services Profiles have now been converted to                
 AIX 3.2 SNA Services Profiles.  Review the profiles and ensure                 
 that nothing changed during the conversion.  Continue with                     
 "Verify the Physical Configuration".                                           
The smit command sequence for this follows:                                     
  smit -C devices                                                              
    communications devices                                                      
      token ring adapter                                                        
          data link control                                                     
            add a token ring data link control                                  
              dlc tokenring dlc token-ring data link control                    
  When the Data Link Control has been successfully added the system             
  will display - 'dlcsdlc available'                                            
Make sure that the SNA devices have been added to the system using the          
following command:                                                              
           ls -li /dev/*sn*                                                     
 If the SNA devices have been added, the command listed above will              
 return showing the following devices:                                          
 If these devices are not present, issue the following command:                 
  NOTE: This configures /dev/sna, /dev/snam and /dev/gsna                       
        and puts them in /dev.                                                  
CONFIGURE SNA SERVICES/6000 FOR USE WITH HCON:                                 
  When completing the SMIT SNA panel fields, observe the following              
    1.  Collect all host information prior to starting.                         
    2.  Do not use distinct names for each profile.  SMIT prefixes              
        names with profile type information to preserve uniqueness.             
    3.  Use upper case profile names.                                           
    4.  Work from the bottom up when defining profiles:                         
        Physical Link, Logical Link, Control Point, Attachment,                 
        SNA Node, Local Logical Unit, and Logical Connection.                   
 CONFIGURE THE TOKEN-RING PHYSICAL LINK PROFILE:                                
   smit -C _snatokphymk                                                         
            Add SNA Token Ring Physical Link Profile                            
    Type or select values in entry fields.                                      
    Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.                               
    TOP                                                Entry Fields             
  * PROFILE name                                       -TOKATT-                 
    DATALINK device name                               -tok0-                   
    LOCAL LINK name                                    --                       
    Maximum number of LOGICAL LINKS (1-255)            -32-                     
    Local SAP address (0x04 - 0xEC)                    -04-                     
  NOTE: 1. The PROFILE name is any name you choose.                             
 CONFIGURE THE TOKEN-RING LOGICAL LINK PROFILE:                                
   smit -C _snatoklogmk                                                         
               Add SNA Token Ring Logical Link Profile                          
    Type or select values in entry fields.                                      
    Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.                               
    TOP                                                Entry Fields             
  * PROFILE name                                       -TOKATT-                 
    TRANSMIT window count (1-127)                      -10-                     
    DYNAMIC window increment (1-127)                   -1-                      
    RETRANSMIT count (1-30)                            -8-                      
    RECEIVE window count (1-127)                       -12-                     
    RING ACCESS priority                               -0-                     
    DROP LINK on inactivity?                           -no-                     
    INACTIVITY timeout (1-120 seconds)                 -48-                     
    RESPONSE timeout (1-40, 500 msec intervals)        -2R-                     
    ACKNOWLEDGE timeout (1-40, 500 msec intervals)     -1R-                     
    FORCE DISCONNECT timeout (1-600 seconds)           -120-                    
    DEFINITION of maximum I-FIELD size                -system_defined-          
       If user_defined, max. I-FIELD SIZE (265-30729)  -265-                    
    TRACE link?                                        -no-                     
       If yes, TRACE SIZE                              -short-                  
  NOTE: 1. The PROFILE name is any name you choose.                             
        2. The ATTACHMENT Trace can be turned on by changing the                
           "TRACE link?" entry from "no" to "yes",  This will cause             
           the Attachment Trace to start as soon as any activity                
           involving the attachment begins.  The Attachment Trace will         
           stop when the attachment becomes inactive.                           
        3. The format of the Attachment Trace can either be "long" or           
           "short" and is controlled by changing the "If yes, TRACE             
           SIZE" entry to "long" (short is the default).                        
 CONFIGURE THE SNA NODE CONTROL POINT PROFILE:                                  
   smit -C _snacpmk                                                             
              Add SNA Control Point Profile                                     
    Type or select values in entry fields.                                      
    Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.                               
    TOP                                               Entry Fields             
  * PROFILE name                                       -TOKATT-                 
    XID node ID                                       -07100000-                
    NETWORK name                                       --                       
    CONTROL POINT name                                 --                       
    CP status                                          -no_bind-                
    LOCATE GDS supported?                              -no-                     
    DIRECTORY SERVICES supported?                      -no-                     
    RESOURCE registration supported?                   -no-                     
    Registration of CHARACTERISTICS supported?         -no-                     
    REQUEST/REPLY CP-MSUs supported?                   -no-                     
    UNSOLICITED CP-MSUs supported?                     -no-                     
    PARALLEL CP-CP sessions supported?                 -n-                      
    TOPOLOGY database update supported?                -no-                     
        If yes, flow reduction SEQUENCE NUMBER         -0-                      
  NOTE: 1. The PROFILE name is any name you choose.                             
        2. The default value may be used as the XID node ID value.              
           While the RISC System is connecting via Token-Ring to                
           the controller, the XID isn't needed because the PU is               
           not configured as a switched major node in this scenario.            
 CONFIGURE THE TOKEN-RINT ATTACHMENT PROFILE:                                   
   smit -C _snatokattcmk                                                        
                   Add SNA Token Ring Attachment Profile                        
    Type or select values in entry fields.                                      
    Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.                               
    TOP                                                Entry Fields             
  * PROFILE name                                      -TOKATT-                  
    CONTROL POINT profile name                        -TOKATT-                  
    LOGICAL LINK profile name                         -TOKATT-                  
    PHYSICAL LINK profile name                        -TOKATT-                  
    STOP ATTACHMENT on inactivity?                    -no-                      
       If yes, inactivity TIMEOUT (0-10 minutes)      -0-                       
    LU address REGISTRATION?                          -no-                      
       If yes, LU address REGISTRATION PROFILE name   --                        
    CALL type                                         -call-                    
       If listen,                                     --                        
          AUTO-LISTEN?                                -no-                      
          MINIMUM SAP address (0x04 - 0xEC)           -04-                      
          MAXIMUM SAP address (0x04 - 0xEC)           -EC-                      
       If call, ACCESS ROUTING                        -link_address-           
          If link_name, REMOTE LINK name              --                        
          If link_address,                            --                        
             Remote LINK address                      -400001551043-            
             Remote SAP address (0x04 - 0xEC)         -04-                      
  NOTE: 1. The PROFILE name is any name you choose.                             
        2. The CONTROL POINT profile name is the name entered when              
           configuring the Control Point profile.                               
        3. The LOGICAL LINK profile name is the name entered when               
           configuring the Logical Link profile.                                
        4. The PHYSICAL LINK profile name is the name entered when              
           configuring the Physical Link profile.                               
        5. CALL type is toggled to call.                                        
        6. ACCESS ROUTING is toggled to link_address.  The Remote               
           LINK address is the locally administered address (LAA)              
           of the machine you are talking to.  In this case it                  
           is the LAA of the 3174 controller.  This address can be              
           obtained from the VTAM programmer.                                   
CONFIGURE THE SNA NODE PROFILE:                                                 
  The 'sna' SNA Node profile is a default profile included with the             
  system.  You do not have to create this profile.  However, if you             
  wish to activate Internal Error logging, this profile must be                 
  FASTPATH: smit -C _snasnach                                                   
  Type "sna" in the "Profile name" field.                                       
                            Change SNA Node Profile                             
  CURRENT profile name                                sna                       
  NEW PROFILE name                                   --                         
  Total active open CONNECTIONS (1-999)              -200-                      
  Total SESSIONS (1-999)                             -200-                      
  Total CONVERSATIONS (1-999)                        -200-                      
  SERVER synonym name                                -sna-                      
  RESTART action                                      once                      
  Perform ERROR LOGGING?                              yes                       
  Standard INPUT file/device                         -/dev/console-             
  Standard OUTPUT file/device                        -/dev/console-             
  Standard ERROR file/device                         -/dev/console-             
  NOTE: 1. The "Perform ERROR LOGGING" field toggles Internal Error            
           Logging on ("yes" in the Entry Field) or off ("no" in the            
           Entry Field.                                                         
VERIFY THE PHYSICAL CONFIGURATION:                                              
At this point you should verify your physical configuration using               
the following procedures:                                                       
  1.  Verify the correctness of the SNA Services profiles.  The                 
      command sequence is as follows:                                           
        smit -C sna                                                             
          Configure SNA Profiles                                                
            Verify SNA Configuration Profiles                                   
  If you succeed in validating your profiles, proceed with the                  
  configuration.  If you experience problems, inspect your profiles             
  for errors.  Correct any errors before preceding.                             
  2.  Start the attachment:                                                     
      Start the SNA Services daemon.  From the shell prompt enter:              
        startsrc -s sna                                                         
      Start the attachment.  From the shell prompt enter:                       
        startsrc -t attachment -o attachment_name                               
       attachment_name should be replaced with the profile name                 
       given to your Token-Ring attachment profile (in this example,           
  3.  Check the attachment status.  From the shell prompt enter:                
         lssrc -ls sna                                                          
      If SNA Services and the attachment started successfully, the              
      system will return the message                                            
             "sna" Program, Process ID xxxx  active                             
            TOKATT                Attachment    - active                        
      Stop SNA Services.  From the shell prompt enter:                          
        stopsrc -cs sna                                                         
  NOTE: 1. If you are using 3.1.5 profiles that you converted in the            
           "Converting AIX 3.1.5 Profiles to AIX 3.2" section, verify           
           that nothing in your LU profiles has changed and continue            
           with "Verify the Logical Configuration".                             
CONFIGURE THE LOGICAL UNIT PROFILES:                                            
The following steps describe the procedure for configuring the                  
logical unit profiles.                                                          
CONFIGURE THE LUT2 LOCAL LOGICAL LINK PROFILE:                                  
  FASTPATH: smit -C _snalocalu2mk                                               
                     Add SNA LU2 Local LU Profile                              
  PROFILE name                                       -LU2-                      
  NETWORK name                                       --                         
  Local LU name                                      --                         
  Local LU address (1-255)                           -2-                        
  SSCP ID                                            -050000000001-             
  Number of ROWS (1-255)                             -24-                       
  Number of COLUMNS (1-255)                          -80-                       
  NOTE: 1.  The Local Logical Link PROFILE name can be any name you             
            choose which conforms to the SNA naming conventions.                
        2.  The Local LU address will be located on the VTAM List               
            next to the term LOCADDR, i.e. LOCADDR=* (* is the actual           
        3.  The SSCP ID can be obtained from the systems programmer.           
            The value given to you will be decimal.  The value must             
            be converted to hex and added to the following number:              
            050000000000 (i.e. if the value given was 1, you would              
            enter 050000000001 in the SSCP ID field).  Entering all             
            all "f"s in the the SSCP ID field  will act as a "wild              
            card" (i.e. ffffffffffff).                                          
CONFIGURE THE LUT2 LOGICAL CONNECTION PROFILE:                                  
  FASTPATH: smit -C _snaconnlu2mk                                               
                Add SNA LU2 Logical Connection Profile                          
  PROFILE name                                       -LU2-                      
  ATTACHMENT profile name                            -TOKATT-                  
  LOCAL LU profile name                              -LU2-                      
  NETWORK name                                       --                         
  REMOTE LU name                                     --                         
  STOP CONNECTION on inactivity?                     -no-                       
     If yes, TIMEOUT (0-10 minutes)                  -0-                        
  NOTIFY support?                                    -yes-                      
  NOTE: 1.  The Connection PROFILE name can be any name you choose              
            which conforms to the SNA naming conventions.                       
        2.  The ATTACHMENT profile name is the name which the                   
            connection is associated with.                                      
        3.  The LOCAL LU name is the name of the Local Logical Unit             
            Profile that this connection is associated with.                    
        4.  The default for Notify support is "no".  This should be             
            changed to "yes".                                                  
VERIFY THE LOGICAL CONFIGURATION:                                               
At this point you should verify your logical configuration using                
the following procedures:                                                       
  1.  Verify the correctness of the SNA Services profiles.  The                 
      command sequence is as follows:                                           
        smit -C sna                                                             
          Configure SNA Profiles                                                
            Verify SNA Configuration Profiles                                   
  If you succeed in validating your profiles, proceed with the                  
  configuration.  If you experience problems, inspect your profiles            
  for errors.  Correct any errors before preceding.                             
  2.  Start the attachment:                                                     
      Start the SNA Services daemon.  From the shell prompt enter:              
        startsrc -s sna                                                         
      Start the attachment.  From the shell prompt enter:                       
        startsrc -t attachment -o attachment_name                               
       attachment_name should be replaced with the profile name                 
       given to your Token-Ring attachment profile (in this example,            
  3.  Check the attachment/connection status.                                   
      From the shell prompt enter:                                              
        lssrc -ls sna                                                           
      If SNA and the attachment started successfully, the system                
      will return the message                                                   
             "sna" Program, Process ID xxxx  active                             
            TOKATT               Attachment    - active                         
            LU2                  Connection    - active                         
  NOTE: 1. All Connections that have the same Attachment profile name           
           as the one started (in this example, TOKATT) specified in            
           the "ATTACHMENT profile name" field of the Connection               
           Profile should start when the attachment TOKATT is started.          
      Stop SNA services.  From the shell prompt enter:                          
        stopsrc -cs sna                                                         
ADD AN HCON USER TO THE SYSTEM:                                                 
  FASTPATH: smit -C mkhconu                                                     
                               Add HCON User                                    
  AIX LOGIN name                                     -user-                     
  NOTE: 1. To add an HCON user you must be Superuser.                          
        2. AIX LOGIN name can be any valid user name.                           
  FASTPATH: smit -C mkhcons_st                                                  
             Add SNA Display Session                                            
  HCON USER name                                     -user-                     
  NOTE:  1. HCON USER name is the name of the user who will be using            
            this session.  This user MUST be an HCON user (as added             
            in the previous step).                                              
After pressing  you will be presented with the following                
             Add SNA Display Session                                            
  HCON user name                              user                              
  SESSION name                                c                                 
  Session USE                                --                                 
  SNA Profile                                -LU2-                              
  COUNTRY                                     United States                     
  KEYBOARD table                             -/usr/lib/hcon/e789_ktb>           
  COLOR table                                -/u/user/e789_ctbl-                
  File used by SAVES key                     -/u/user/e789_saves-               
  File used by REPLS key                     -/u/user/e789_repls-               
  Local printer used by PRINT key            -lp0-                              
  Host TYPE                                   CMS                              
  Host LOGIN ID                              --                                 
  Autolog NODE ID                            --                                 
  Autolog TRACE                               no                                
  Autolog TIMEOUT (seconds)                  -0-                                
  Host file transfer PROGRAM                 -IND$FILE-                         
  File transfer DIRECTION                     down                              
  File transfer WAIT period (minutes)        -0-                                
  File transfer RECOVERY time (minutes)      -0-                                
  Maximum I/O buffer SIZE (bytes)            -2048-                             
  NOTE: 1.  SESSION name will be an alpha value (a-z).                          
        2.  Session USE is an "information field" and can contain               
            any meaningful name you wish.                                       
        3.  SNA profile is the name of the Connection Profile which             
            is associated with this session.                                   
START SNA SERVICES AND HCON 1.3:                                                
  1. Start the SNA Services daemon.  From the shell prompt enter:               
        startsrc -s sna                                                         
      Start the attachment.  From the shell prompt enter:                       
        startsrc -t attachment -o attachment_name                               
       attachment_name should be replaced with the profile name                 
       given to your Token-Ring attachment profile (in this example,            
  2.  Check the attachment/connection status.                                   
      From the shell prompt enter:                                              
        lssrc -ls sna                                                           
      If SNA and the attachment started successfully, the system                
      will return the message                                                   
             "sna" Program, Process ID xxxx  active                             
            TOKATT               Attachment    - active                         
            LU2                  Connection    - active                         
  3.  Start HCON 1.2 session.                                                   
      At the shell prompt enter:                                                
        e789 x   (where "x" is the session identifier from the                  
                 "Session NAME" field in the HCON SNA Display Session           
      Your Host Login Screen should then appear on your display.                
STOP HCON 1.3 AND SNA SERVICES:                                                 
  1.  Log off of the host application.                                          
  2.  Stop HCON 1.2 session.                                                    
      At the HOST Logon Screen press and hold the  key,                   
      followed by the  key:                                                  
        +   (this will display the following:)                        
     "e789: Press CTRL-D to exit the emulator; press any other key              
            to continue"                                                        
  3.  At the prompt listed above, press and hold the  key,                
      followed by the  key:                                                  
  4. Stop SNA services.                                                         
     From the shell prompts enter:                                              
        stopsrc -cs sna                                                         
The following is a copy of the VTAM listing used in configuring this           
PU349     PU  CUADDR=349,PUTYPE=2,MAXBFRU=10,ISTATUS=ACTIVE,    X               
        MODETAB=DSVMODE,SSCPFM=USSSCS,DLOGMOD=T3278MX,          X               
LU3492    LU   LOCADDR=2,ISTATUS=ACTIVE                                         
LU3493    LU   LOCADDR=3,ISTATUS=ACTIVE                                         
 ** If you have found this information to be informative and    **         
 ** useful, please let us know via a HONE FEEDBACK or via EQUAL.**         
 ** Make sure in your evaluation to reference the appropriate   **         
 ** INFOSYS or FLASH number.                                    **        
 ** We would like to develop as many HOWTO items as needed      **         
 ** and solicit your suggestions, comments and recommendations  **         
 ** on how to make these entries more useful. We need to know   **         
 ** the value of this information to determine whether it is    **         
 ** worth IBM time and resource to continue to create and       **         
 ** maintain HOWTO items.                                       **         
---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ----------                
This item was created from library item Q646347      NMTW9                      
Additional search words:                                                        
3.2 3174                                                                        

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000035900 ITEM: RTA000035900
Dated: 11/1996 Category: RISCSNA
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~12:43:13
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