Help with PSF/AIX and AFP Upload for MVS

ITEM: RTA000107334

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT)                                                         
 I am trying to setup the AFP Upload AIX Client to send print to                
PSF/MVS. I have already established the SNA portion of this by following        
the procedures in the (S544-5422-00) AFP Upload configuration guide             
using SNA. However, on page 79 (chapter 10 local 3172 Token-Ring),              
the "PSF for AIX printer example" says to choose:                               
   PSF for AIX Printing and Configuration                                       
     Administer PSF for AIX                                                    
       Manage a PSF for AIX Printer                                             
         Add a Printer or PSF Queue                                             
           Upload-SNA  <===================this is not an option.               
As you can see, I do not have the upload option. what does this                 
indicate. Any help you can give will be most helpful.                           
That indicates to me that you have not installed the latest PSF for             
AIX PTFs.  The Upload capability was added through maintenance more             
than a year ago for SNA in APAR IX57887 (current PTF as of 7/31/97 is           
U451078 for psf.base, also called psf.usr).  I strongly recommend               
that you obtain and install all the latest maintenance for the PSF for         
AIX filesets that you have installed.  The PTFs for each fileset are            
cumulative, so you need only install the latest.                                
If that doesn't help, please reopen the item.  Thanks for using WWQ&A.          
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/aix psf/6000 psf aix mvs afp upload sna tcp/ip smit apar ptf                

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