PSF/AIX:Questions on the PCL transform

ITEM: RTA000087393

ABSTRACT:     Questions on the operation of the PCL transform in                
SEARCH ARG:   psf/6000 pcl                                                      
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
Customer is planning for a PSF/6000 installation that will use the              
PCL transform to print PCL input on IPDS printers.  Can you help with           
the following questions:                                                        
Q1) A PCL printer attached to my workstation contains the images of the         
fonts that are used in printing the page.  In other words the fonts are        
resolved at the printer at the time the job is printed.                         
Now if I want to send this same job to the PSF/6000 server, I assume the        
fonts will be resolved at the server during the PCL transform. However,         
when I read the announce material for PSF/6000, there is no mention of          
any PCL fonts on the server.  How are PCL fonts resolved when using the         
PCL transform to send PCL input data streams to IPDS output devices?            
Are all PCL fonts supported?                                                    
Q2) When the PCL transform is used, is the PCL datastream converted to          
full page image, or does the transform convert PCL text to IPDS text            
and PCL image to IPDS image?  I understand that the PCL to IPDS                 
transform is rather quick - what is the performance of the printer when         
sending the converted datastream to the printer?.  Thanks                       
R1) Fonts are built into the PCL interpreter; we emulate an HP printer          
in this manner.  There are about 45 built-in fonts.  Generally other PCL        
fonts must be sent added to the interpreter; because there are different        
types of fonts, we work with Development on a case-by-case basis when           
customers want to add additional PCL soft fonts to the transform.               
However, if a customer has a PCL font that already has the right PCL            
wrappers to define the resource and make it "permanent", then they can          
use one of the two following approaches.                                        
a) This alternative will only last for the duration of the "IPL" (until         
the system is rebooted.  You can leave the PCL interpreter up and               
running all the time (set pcl_server_timeout = 9999), and then download         
the desired resident resources once at interpreter startup time, making        
them "permanent" until the next re-boot.                                        
b) Create a file in the work directory (as defined in the config file)          
called "UserInit", and place into this file the PCL containing the              
resources that are to be "permanent". Then every time the interpreter           
comes up, it will read and "execute" this file, and whatever resources          
are stored here will be available to jobs.                                      
R2)  The PCL transform, like the PostScript transform, produces image,          
not mixed text and image.  This image can be compressed or uncompressed.        
The output data stream is AFPDS, not IPDS.  There is no published               
performance data on the speed of the transform because PCL files can            
vary so widely in complexity.  However, I can say that the transform is         
CPU-intensive.  Actual print time performance will depend on the                
features of the printer, such as memory and support for compressed             
I hope that helps.                                                              
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
AIX PSF/6000 PCL TRANSFORM FONTS psf/aix pcl2afp psf pod infoprint              
image userinit                                                                  

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000087393 ITEM: RTA000087393
Dated: 07/1998 Category: XPSF6000
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