Change SP system configuration

ITEM: RS4000002901

**************> QUESTION level 1 --> level 2 SPECIALIST <**************         
1. How to replace Ethernet Adapter of CWS?                                      
    I'm now using RS/6000 C20 as Control Work Station.                          
    AIX V4.14 and PSSP Ver 2.1 PTF 13 is running on it.                         
    Ethernet Adapter(#2980) is installed and configured as en0 and              
    connected to SP Ethernet(10BASE-2 Cable).                                   
    Now I would like to change this adapter from #2980 to #2993                 
    Ethernet 10Mbps BNC Adapter. Please let me know is there                    
    any operation to change adapter from point of PSSP side.                    
2. How to change initial host name.                                             
    Our SP system node has 1 ethernet adapter(en0) and 2 FDDI                   
    adapters(fi0 and fi1). Now Initial host name is set to en0.                 
    I would like to change initial host name from en0 to fi0.                   
    Please let me know step to do this change.                                  
    I am now planning to...                                                     
    1. Change initial hostname using "Hostname Information" of                  
       "smit node_data" or sphostnam command.                                   
    2. Set boot mode as "customize" using "The Boot/Install                     
       Server Information" of "smit node_data" or spbootins                     
    3. Netboot from spmon                                                      
Any comments are helpful.                                                       
************** ANSWER   level 2 -- level 1 SPECIALIST **************         
==== THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
==== RESP: ENDY     AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:960911                  
Since you only plan to change the ethernet adapter on the control               
workstation, you do not have to perform any special task with PSSP              
for the new adapter.                                                            
How to change initial host name:                                                
In addition to the three steps you mentioned, you will have to get              
Kerberos to recognize the new host name.  The following procedure               
below will be helpful in trying to rebuild your KDB.                            
 1. Ensure the following directories are included in your PATH                  
 2. kdb_destroy  (delete the kerberos database)                                 
 3. kdestroy  (delete all current tickets)                                      
 4. rm /.k  (delete the master key cache file)                                  
 5. rm $HOME/.klogin                                                            
 6. rm /etc/krb*  (delete the Kerberos configuration files)                     
 7. chitab "kadm:2:off:/usr/lpp/spp/kerberos/etc/kadmind -n"                    
chitab "kerb:2:off:/usr/lpp/spp/kerberos/etc/kerberos"                          
 8. telinit 2  (refresh inittab)                                                
 9. stopsrc -s hardmon                                                          
10. setup_authent                                                               

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BRDated: 10/1996 Category: AIX6000
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