Communication Server for AIX V4.2 SPEC

ITEM: RS4000003026

**************> QUESTION level 1 --> level 2 SPECIALIST <**************         
I'd like to confirm Cmmunication Server for AIX V4.2 new function.              
According to Announcement letter, Communication Server V4.2 supports            
1.54 Mbit/sec speeds on SDLC(V.35).                                             
That means, I use two network communications with #2700 4-port Multi            
protocol Controller and two #2702 V.35 Multiprotocol Attachment Cable,          
that max speed is 1.54 Mbit/sec ?                                               
Now, my customer use SNA LU2 communication on MPQP with AIX V4.1.4              
and SNA Server V3.1.1. If I use 1.54 Mbit/sec high speed, that is               
nice newsfor me.                                                                
Thanks for your reply.                                                         
Best Regards.                                                                   
************** ANSWER   level 2 -- level 1 SPECIALIST **************         
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PMR E0840,998,760 was created on 96/11/25 at 08:15:32.                          
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==== THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
==== RESP: NHL      AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961125                  
We have received your question and assigned it to a specialist.  We             
will respond as soon as possible.                                               
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==== ASGN: NHL      AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961125                  
The question has been re-assigned to ARNE.                                      
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==== ASGN: NHL      AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961125                  
The question has been re-assigned to SADTLER.                                   
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==== THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
==== RESP: SADTLER  AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961126                  
 The 1.54Mbps connection can be achieved by using port 0 of                     
 the microchannel MPQP adapter with a short V.35 cable.  In testing             
 this was done with a 3 foot V.35 cable to a modem eliminator to a             
 Important Limitations you should consider are:                                 
    Multiple ports on the MPQP adapter cannot be used.                          
    A short V.35 cable is required from the MPQP adapter to the modem.          

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