3490-E01 attachment to multiple RS/6000 J40s

ITEM: RS4000016677

====> THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN JAPAN                                
**************> QUESTION level 1 --> level 2 SPECIALIST <**************         
I have a question about the way to the tape sharing with HACMP.                 
I've already read "RTA000093751" which title was "3590-B11 attachemnt           
to multiple RS/6000's (SP2 nodes)".                                             
It explained the way to attach 3590 from AIX 3.2.5 on SP.                       
Now, here is my question.                                                       
I'd like to know the way to attach 3490 from AIX 4.1.5 instead of               
AIX 3.2.5.                                                                      
Our customer is now planning the following system.                              
AIX: V4.1.5                                                                     
   +---------+         +---------+                                              
   | 7013-J40|         | 7013-J40|                                              
   |         |         | stand-by|               +-------------+                
   |  _____  |         |  _____  |               |   3490-E01  |                
   | |#2416| |         | |#2416| |               |             |                
   +----+----+         +----+----+               +------+------+                
       /|#2426              |\#2426                     |                       
      / |                   | \                         |                       
     /  |                   |  \_                       |                       
termi-  |                   |  |_|#9702                 |                       
 nator  |     #2425         |    \         #5145        |                       
        +-------------------+     +---------------------+                       
Can we use 3490 if we setup above configuration?                                
Or if we can NOT, please tell me the correct configuration.                     
************** ANSWER   level 2 -- level 1 SPECIALIST **************         
************** ANSWER   level 2 -- level 1 SPECIALIST **************         
==== THIS TEXT HAS BEEN ENTERED BY IBM IN USA                                  
==== RESP: AIXOPSYS AT WTSCPOK  ================= DATE:961219                  
        Yes, the above proposed configuration is correct. Be certain            
that when using Y-cables, the internal terminators resistors should be          
removed from the SCSI controller and terminated on the Y-cable.                
        This cabling is correct regardless of the AIX level.                    
        Thank you for using AIX Technical Support Services.                     

FONT size=2WWQA: ITEM: RS4000016677 ITEM: RS4000016677
BRDated: 12/1996 Category: AIX6000
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